Foreskin who? You da hoe! Who's there? Whos there? Iguana feel you up, baby. Knock knock,whos there?Justin,Justin who?Justin time for something naughty, 20. Iguana touch your buttcrack! When where. Justin! Whos there? So, in case you are ready for some dirty Knock Knock jokes, prepare yourself for the hilarious ride ahead! Knock, knockWhos there?HavenHaven who?Haven you heard enough of these knock-knock jokes? Knock, knock. Kids can go on and on and on with knock-knock jokes. Whos there? Tara 16. It's not that bad, I just need someone to blow me 4. Parton! 20. When you do it right, you can use them with your family, friends crushes as well as your girlfriend or boyfriend to have some fun. Woz. 2023 Inspirationfeed. Youre justin time to see me strip for you. I AM NOT A POO! Who's There? Smell Map who? Cam who? Ding dong,whos there?I would have knocked but the doorbell was at waist height, 54. Knock knock.Whos there?Willis!Willis who?Willis dick fit in your mouth? We have a simple and elegant solution for you! Lets revive the charm of those old school knock-knock joke with our best picks! Phil Boo? Not someone who? The animals worked tirelessly, until finally, the joke telling day came. So get ready to let out a few chuckles, because these knock knock jokes are sure to put a smile on your face. Whos there? Knock knock!Come inGod damn it.23. Tara. Whos there? School your ass Iguana touch your butt. Butch your arms around me, Jimmy a kiss, and let's Joe. SaltT.Nuts, Whos there? Lisa. 5) Corny Knock Knock Kokes for Your Girlfriend. The police put out an alert to look for the two hardened criminals. Butch, Jimmy, and Joe Who? Willis! Whos there? Whos There? . Knock Knock 30. Waiter I get my hands on you. Can I come in who? Amanda who? Ivan who? Whos there? Knock, knock.Whos there?School.School who?School your ass.3. Whos there? The zebra . You eat your poo?! Who's there? Howie gonna hide this dead body? Who's there? Ivanna Seymour Butts Who's there? Eat mop Knock, knock jokes are a classic, sure-fire way to elicit hysterical laughter from kids and adults alike. Knock Knock yo mama Fuck you said who? For many years, knock knock jokes were primarily considered as childrens jokes. Boy: How am I ever suppose to get pussy. "Me!" 5. Mike. 79 Mind and Heart Quotes (The Battle and The Peace), 132 Short Positive Affirmations: Powerful Things To Say To Yourself. daily newsletter. Whos there? Knock, knockWhos there?TheodoreTheodore who?Theodore wasnt opened so I knocked. Knock, knock.Whos there?School.School who?School your ass. 10. Idaho! Read next:Best Things To Do When Bored Alone At Home, Read next:Great List of Two Truths And A Lie Examples. Read: our favorite best knock knock jokes of all times. Knock, knockWhos there?AliceAlice who?Alice so quiet. Whos There? Knock, knock.Whos there?Yo mama.Yo mama who?Yo mama woke up in my bed again. Im lonely, can I expect you to be with me? The great thing about this joke is they are so perfectly fit for any situation. Knock, Knock! Who's There? Tara McClosoff. Dirty knock knock jokes may make more sense when you tell them to your adult friends. Molly Pennington, PhD Updated: Dec. 16, 2022. Knock Knock Don't get us wrong, dirty knock-knock jokes are still groaners, but they're groaners that also make you blush. Ivana who? Knock knock! I can do you better. 15. OK but just this once. As the name implies, these jokes simulate an actual scenario where a person knocks on the front door. He is a sucker for good coffee, Indian food, and video games. Knock knock,whos there?Olive Juice,Olive Juice who?Oh, I love you too! Dirty Baseball Jokes. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Sort By Random. No! King Henry the Second. Girl: Yeah and you never will. 41. Al! I would have knocked but the doorbell was at waist height, Whos there? Phil Who? Whos there? Whos There? Izzy Data. Howie. OK, with that out of the way, lets get to the funny stuff. Stop crying pussy it's not the end of the world. 40. Hugh. Who's there? 26. Whos there? Knock, knockWhos there?EuropeEurope who?No, youre a poo! Knock knock! Whos there? Media Kit. Whos there? Knock, knockWhos there?Lettuce.Lettuce who?Lettuce in or well break down the door! Tara who? Who's There? condom and suck this dick. *wink wink*. 6. Myra! 15. Some asshole talking to a knock-knock joke. Can I come in? Who's There? 1. I dont have time for this, please open the door! Waiter. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Iguana. Knock, knockWhos there?I amI am who?Dont you even know who you are?! Whos there? Adult-friendly knock-knock jokes packed with puns? Knock knock! Mike Litoris. Open the door and find out asshole! 30 Dirty Knock-Knock Jokes That Definitely Arent for Kids, For more up-to-date information, sign up for our, Why Im In Love With Oil Pulling (And Why You Should Be Too), How To Stop Being So Afraid + Start Feeling Powerful, Alive & Worthy, Is Dairy Dangerous? Its just a joke. Fuck you said who? Ice cream who? Shhh, nobody else knows this, except you and me. Anita who? Who's there? Knock, knockWhos there?CandiceCandice who?Candice joke get any worse?! Knock-knock jokes for when you first meet To kick off our list of flirty knock-knock jokes, let's dial it back to the beginning stages of every relationship. Knock, knockWhos there?GorillaGorilla who?Gorilla me a hamburger! Those are the biggest tits I ever seen. A dedicated, inspiring and mindful blog for 20s, By 20s. Knock, knock.Whos there?I eat mop.I eat mop who?You eat your poo?! Fine, fine, Aldo you! Whos there? Knock, knockWhos there?CargoCargo who?Cargo beep, beep and vroom, vroom! Knock knock,whos there?Erik,Erik who?Erik Shawn, 55. 275+ Best Knock Knock Jokes If you feel the knock-knock jokes become old and money gives them enough attention then you are wrong. We are sure, there must be more than two or four. And he bit me again! Do you want two CDs who? Yes, there's an art to it. Knock, knockWhos there?OscarOscar who?Oscar silly question and get a silly answer! Party Girl - Pasta pipe, mother-fucker! Knock, knockWhos there?I need a puhI need a puh-whoThen why dont you find a toilet! Gladiator. Knock knock,whos there?Dill,Dill who?Dill Dough, 51. Dozer who? Knock knock!Whos there?Dover.Dover who?Ben Dover and Ill give you a big surprise!16. Whos there? Me!. Gladiator during the three-some. Ready to make a great first. Howie! Pileup! Knock Knock.Whos there?Do you want two CDs?Do you want two CDs who?Do you want to CDs nudes? Knock knock,whos there?Ben Her, Ben Her who?Ben her over and Ill take it from there, 29. Grislybuzz has credible trending news from around the world, travel news, DIY hacks, food recipes, essential insights and more. Share with others at your own risk. Knock knock,whos there?Can I come in?Can I come in who,OK but just this once, 23. Amos who? Whos There? Knock, knock.Whos there?Waiter.Waiter who?Just waiter I get my hands on you. 44. Gladiator Asshole who! Knickerless girls shouldnt climb trees. Knock knock, who's there? Khan! Your email address will not be published. You may have come across many dad and similar jokes, but when it comes to such knock-knock puns, theres not a better match. Learn about the best baby names out of Japan. Me!. Whos there? Privacy Policy . Knock knock,whos there?Salt,Salt who?Salt T. Nuts, 50. Hope you enjoyed these dirty jokes. Knock knock,whos there?Interrupting turrets,interrupting turr$h!t!, 37. Whos there? When where who? Iguana who? Knock, knockWhos there?HikeHike who?I didnt know you liked Japanese poetry! if (year<1900) {year+=1900} document.write(year); Knock, knockWhos there?ToTo who?No, its to whom! Whos there? When where. Bee. In you, obviously, thats why you call me, Right? Knock KnockWhos there?CowCow who?No cow says mooooooo! Lover who? Al who? Because, here were presenting this great collection of new knock-knock jokes that are for everyone and every mood, including funny, cute, flirty, and dirty ones. Justin Anita who? Last updated on November 11th, 2022 at 04:12 pm. Whos there? Well I didnt want to make you an adultress. 8. Whos there? Knock, knock.Whos there?Justin.Justin who?Youre justin time to see me strip for you. Knock Knock!Whos there?GladiatorGladiator who?Hes gladiator before they screwed instead of the other way around.37. Ida. To return Click Here. Knock, knock,Whos there?AlecAlec who?Alec it when you ask me questions. The worlds greatest foreskin teller. "Fuck you said who?" Michael Jackson Urine secure, dont know what for. Baby owl who? Tanaka! Whos there? Knock knock Juicy. I am not a poo how dare you. Helda dick who? Knock Knock Boy: Who's there. Whos there? But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Dwayne the bathtub, I'm drowning. Knock knock! But with time, these jokes gained considerable acceptance even among adult audiences. Bullshitter! Parton who? Justin. You're Welcome! Let's revive the charm of those old school knock-knock joke with our best picks! Europe. Hell yeah. Parton! Whos there? Ice cream. Anita who? Parenting . 24. [Sexy voice:] Who would you like it to be? Whos there? Asshole who! Hop on. master, master who, master baiter 2. Knock knock!Whos there?JustinJustin who?Youre justin time to hear me fart!17. Ivana kiss your lips off. Best knock-knock jokes ever - - 51 Knock-knock jokes animal asian black people blonde chemistry Chuck Norris dad dead baby desert island dirty fat gay IT jewish kids knock-knock lesbian little Johnny marriage math mexican nerd poems racist redneck sex stupid white people women Yo mama The best knock-knock jokes Here are 30 bawdy and off-color favorites. Willis be the first time I kiss you? My right nut. Knock, Knock! Who's There? Last time you loved my nuts, Hope you want them again? It should be naughty without being offensive. Knock, knockWhos there?BeatsBeats who?Beats me. Whos there? Ben down and lick my boots! 35. Anita who? Knock knock,whos there?Jack,Jack who?Im the Jack Goff, 34. Knock knock!Whos there?Cam.Cam who?Camel toe! Budweiser! Justin who? Read next:Right Questions To Ask Your Crush. Some bitch telling you a fucking knock, knock joke! Not someone who will get you laid. Are you from the Thailand, cause tonight your going to BangKok. Knock, knockWhos there?OrangeOrange who?Orange you glad I didnt say banana? Tara McClosoff Knock, knock. Dirty Knock Knock Jokes; What Are Dirty Jokes? Knock, knockWhos there?ArtArt who?R2-D2! Knock Knock!Whos there?King Henry the Second.King Henry the Second who?King Henry, the second the queen leaves, well bring in the strippers!34. Howie who? Knock, knockWhos there?AnitaAnita who?Anita drink of water so please let me in! Who's There? Budweiser who? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Who's There? I Helda dick. Tanaka you up! Myra who? To begin your next session, entertain your league participants with these dirty baseball . I eat mop who? Not until we have a serious discussion about birth control. Knock, KnockWhos there?CandiceCandice who?Candice door open or am I stuck out here? Knock, knock.Whos there?Madam.Madam who?Help madam finger is stuck in the door. Knock knock.Whos there?Iguana.Iguana who?Iguana touch your butt-crack! Ima Reilly who? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Who's There? Knock knock!Whos there?Idaho!Idaho who?I da ho? Willis dick fit in your mouth? Knock Knock Who's there? Theyre probably in the same category as dirty riddles, puns, fart jokes (and maybe even dirty truth or dare). Whos there? Gross! Whos there? Please see our disclosure for more details. EWWW your fucking disgusting! Whos there? Knock knock! Below is a graduated list of adult themed dirty knock knock jokes. When your friends are at your door or you are talking on the phone, here are some funny knock-knock jokes that will make you all laugh. Centipede who? 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Bull who? By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. For more up-to-date information, sign up for our Stop crying, you pussy. Dewey! By Bob Larkin September 22, 2020 Shutterstock/Koldunov The great thing about a dirty knock-knock joke is that it's almost always unexpected. Knock knock,whos there?Im poor knee,Im poor knee who?I guess we have to do something about that, 21. And, in case you want to try something new, we have some fun dirty games for naughty date night, Women Power . Knock Knock.Whos There?Hop on.Hop on who?Hop on dis dick. This article was originally published on April 2, 2020, A Man Went Viral For Refusing To Give Up His Spot On A Ride To A Crying Child, An American Mom Shares The Utter Magic Of Danish Playgrounds.
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