C. personal sanitation items In addition, there were no collections during the period. What should you do? A. Consider the following recursive function: a. Mitigation can include non-structural measures, structural changes, and purchasing appropriate insurance. A critical early decision in disasters is decided whether to stay or change locations, Seek _____ air and _______ breathing passages, protect from debris and signal others for help, What do you take to a mass care or community shelter. * The threat and hazards profile and vulnerabilities of the area Heavy damage B. community.fema.gov The target audience for this course is individuals who desire the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and respond to a disaster. Once you have a family disaster plan, you should. Family disaster plan questions to consider. D. Mix in 8 tablespoons of non-perfumed chlorine bleach and wait for 30 seconds, What acronym does the medical community use to remember what to look for when conducting a rapid assessment? demands for their services. A. Property,Plan,andEquipmentAsofSeptember30,2016(inbillionsofdollars)\begin{array}{c} General Provis. What is a main feature of the CERT program Trained volunteers use a consistent, nationwide approach to support emergency responders with disaster preparedness and response. You and your buddy quickly retrieve a portable fire extinguisher, which you have determined is the right type of extinguisher to fight this fire. \text{Leasehold improvements}&\text{0.6}&\text{10.4}&\text{0.3}&\text{6.3}&\text{0.3}&\text{4.1}\\ ________________, __________________, & ______________, It is important to wear the appropriate ____________________________ People use it to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones. D. Rescue Command System (RCS), In the CERT command structure, how is the CERT leader established? a.mosaicdetermination1. A. All around you, people are speculating that the plot was successful. Participate in community feedback opportunities dandara jersey directors; abc27 traffic cameras; . (1) assigns responsibility to organizations and individuals, (3) describes how people and property will be protected, (4) identifies personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies, and other resources. Through pre-event planning, neighborhoods and worksites can also work together to help reduce injuries, loss of lives, and property damage. What kind of permission does a CERT volunteer need to treat an unconscious patient? Aluminum foil and plastic wrap Increased risk of fire or electrical shock You should have snacks and water; a battery-operated radio, a flashlight, and pre-cut plastic sheeting and duct tape to seal off vents and door and window openings. B. volunteers to prepare for the types of disasters that their community may face. B. bolted to the foundation Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when in public. * Roads are closed and/or impassable. It trains citizens in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations. * Sets forth lines of authority and organizational relationships and shows how all actions will be coordinated D. Equipment Resources form, You notice that the blood is spurting from the wound on the survivor's inner thigh. A. ready.gov/community-emergency-response-team * Increased risk to public health. individualswithcellsofmorethanonegenotyped. Researchers from North Carolina State University and the University of Alabama have developed tools to help emergency response and relief managers coordinate volunteer efforts in order to do the most good. B. * Gloves (leather work and non-latex exam) D. Initially monitor the situation from a safe place, Upon completing your search and rescue in the library, you enter a house where the second floor has collapsed, creating a lean-to void. Gather Facts 2. \textbf{(in billions of dollars)}\\ B. homeodomain6. As volunteers engaging in CERT, members are generally protected by "(1)_____________________________" laws that protect people who provide care in a prudent andreasonable manner. Generally, why do people join a CERT? Where can you find information on Ready Prepare. Build a Disaster Kit Building a family emergency kit is crucial. Falling panels Through CERT, citizens can learn about disaster preparedness and receive training in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations. D. Emergency order of protections, What is an EOP? How do CERT volunteers prepare for disasters? * The population composition of the community, Effective community preparedness also engages the ______________________: Score .6. Freeze, Fire, Flame, Frigid, Food C. 8 drops \text{Cafeteria}&&\$\hspace{10pt}320,000*\\ While CERT members play a vital role in disaster response, they are NOT trained or expected to perform all of the functions of professional responders. Dr.}\\ D. Medical facilities hampered, Which of the following is not an example of a physiological symptom of trauma? B. pandemics * Identifies personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies, and other resources available within the jurisdiction or by agreement with other jurisdictions for use during response and recovery operations In short, the EOP describes how the community will function in an emergency. Emergency preparedness refers to actions performed before an emergency. \text{e. ectopic expression} & \text{5. assign identity to body segments}\\ C. food items Repeat (1) above, this time using the direct method. C. community.fema.org An unknown blood-borne disease \end{array} b. These shelters often provide water, food, medicine, and basic sanitary facilities but, if possible, you should take your 3-day disaster supplies kit with you so that you will be sure to have the supplies you require. Round to the nearest cent or tenth of a percent. maternaleffectgenes12. By being the first person to arrive on the scene A. Tests of security C. Acquiring supplies D. Dry runs, A friend runs over to you, a little frantic, and asks why you are not headed to the disaster site to help. B. Displaced appliances and office equipment can cause. faulty wiring, overloaded plugs, frayed electrical cords, home appliances left unattended, You need to have the skills to ___________ the situation quickly and take _________ action to protect yourself. A. Hyperactivity B. A. home, car C. personal sanitation items You cannot find anything obvious obstructing his airway. B. D. clothing and bedding items, What kit: An extra set of car keys and house keys avoid wooden shake and shingles, clear flammable vegetation from home. (3) do demos A. Arterial B. Venous C. Capillary D. Mortal, What is the first thing you do to stop the bleeding? Transportation (For each service department, use the most appropriate allocation base.). Step-by-step explanation. RNAi4. Emergency Management C. Response skills for possible local hazards, such as hurricanes or avalanches D. All government agencies with a role in disaster response work to organize and coordinate the activities of the agencies before an emergency/disaster using.what? CERTs respond after a disaster by: segmentationgenes9. A. D. For all family members, when escape planning you should provide an exit route for A. feelings of detachment and helplessness To put their Scouting knowledge and skills to use BE B. Explain to the president why the step-down method provides a better basis for computing predetermined overhead rates than the direct method. Volunteer Hours Tracking: Volunteer time can be used to help with cost share during disasters. ___________________________ is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. Communicate what you know to one of the firefighters You have reason to suspect that this boy is suffering from: \text{ } & \text{tissue or at the wrong time}\\ Ensure personal and family safety. Possible Effects are: * Survivors unable to call for help \text{Internal use software}&\text{9.5}&\text{33.1}&\text{6.0}&\text{20.7}&\text{3.5}&\text{12.4}\\ UNITEDSTATESGOVERNMENTStatementsofChangesinCashBalancefromUnifiedBudgetandOtherActivitiesFortheYearsEndedSeptember30,2016,and2015(inbillionsofdollars), CashflowfromunifiedbudgetactivitiesTotalunifiedbudgetaryreceipts3,266.73,248.7Totalunifiedbudgetaryoutlays(3,854.1)(3,687.6)Unifiedbudgetdeficit(587.4)(438.9)Adjustmentsfornon-cashoutlaysincludedintheunifiedbudgetInterestaccruedonTreasurysecuritiesheldbythepublic264.1254.4Agenciesyear-endcreditreformsubsidyre-estimates(12.7)26.8Subsidyexpenseaccruedunderdirectloan&guaranteeprograms11.8(22.0)Subtotal-Adjustmentsfornon-cashtransactionsinunifiedbudget263.2250.2CashflowfromactivitiesnotincludedinunifiedbudgetCashflowfromnon-budgetactivitiesInterestpaidonTreasurysecuritiesheldbythepublic(262.7)(243.5)Otherdirectloantransactions(80.3)(119.9)Repaymentofprincipalondirectloans(11.6)17.4Otherguaranteedloantransactions(10.2)9.8Miscellaneousliabilities1.6(0.3)Depositfundliabilitybalances(0.7)20.5Seignorage0.60.6Subtotal-cashflowfromnon-budgetactivities(363.3)(315.4)CashflowfrommonetarytransactionsLoanstotheIMF0.93.0Othermonetaryassets1.90.6Specialdrawingrights(0.3)(2.9)Subtotal-cashflowfrommonetarytransactions2.50.7CashflowfromfinancingBorrowingfromthepublic8,390.47,037.5Repaymentofdebtheldbythepublic(7,343.3)(6,700.6)EffectofuninvestedprincipalfromtheThriftSavingsPlan(TSP)GFund(203.2)203.2Agencysecurities0.10.1Subtotal-cashflowfromfinancing844.0540.2Other0.53.4Changeincashbalance159.540.2Beginningcashbalance305.1264.9Endingcashbalance464.6305.1\begin{array}{lrrr} D.Secure water heaters, 1.dividethebodyintoidenticalunits(segments), 2.initiatedbythebindingofligandtoreceptor, 3.individualswithcellsofmorethanonegenotype, 6.substancewhoseconcentrationdeterminescellfates, 7.suppressionofgeneexpressionbydouble-strandedRNA, 8.whenanullalleleisdominanttoawild-typeallele, 9.aDNA-bindingmotiffoundincertaintranscriptionfactors, 10.encodeproteinsthataccumulateinunfertilized, eggsandareneededforembryodevelopment, 11.earlyembryoniccellsareassignedspecificfates, 12.ageneisturnedoninaninappropriate, 13.atagusedtofollowproteinsinlivingcells, Chp. - _____ heavy furniture Decision to stay or change locations 3. A. A. Get enough sleep Coordination of services is hampered Listen empathetically CERT volunteers must be 21 years or older for liability reasons. atagusedtofollowproteinsinlivingcells\begin{array}{ll} D. Temporary leader, where can you find resources on the American red cross \text{m. signal transduction pathways} & \text{13. a tag used to follow proteins in living cells}\\ C. Take the bucket and find a place to boil the water, since you assume that one of the buildings must have a functional kitchen B. difficulty making decisions and occurrence of disturbing dreams "What became clear early on was that there was a need to . C. Learn about the community alerts and warnings, evacuation routes, and how to get critical information D. The room number, You and three other CERT members begin searching the local library, a large brick building where many people in the community were instructed to take cover before the storm. You're right. \quad\text{Subtotal-cash flow from financing}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}844.0}}&\underline{\hspace{15pt}\text{540.2}}\\[5pt] Volunteer Training Certification. The cable from drum AAA turns the double wheel BBB, which rolls on its hubs without slipping. B. geneticmosaics8. 27 & 115 & \text{TEK Corp.} \hspace{65pt} & \left(\text{d}\right) & \underline{ \hspace{15pt}965}\\ substancewhoseconcentrationdeterminescellfatesg. _________ are a key partner with Citizen Corps, There are three kinds of disasters: Attempt to locate the man's family or friends to provide natural support Damage from disasters may vary considerably from one location to another. initiatedbythebindingofligandtoreceptorc. (2) emergency personnel may be overwhelmed 2; sec. What's your next course of action? B. major rooms participate on local collaborative planning councils, and integrate appropriate resources into government plans, the facilities, staff, and customers served, (1) learn about community alerts, warnings and evacuation routes A. B. first aid kit How do you reduce the loss of life and property? Survivors unable to phone for help or reach service providers (2), (1) "Good Samaritan" laws Continue to conduct a size-up from a safe distance outside of the building A. pet items In the wake of a disaster, many people want to help. A. D. Back out and signal for your buddy to attempt to suppress the fire, From your size-up, you determine that the fire can be put out with a portable fire extinguisher. 2 day * N95 Mask D. Perform CPR, What does TL stand for? C. CERT assessment \text{a. mosaic determination} & \text{1. divide the body into identical units (segments)}\\ 2. The number of survivors in the room B. Nightmares Trained volunteers also offer an important potential workforce to service organizations in non-hazardous functions such as shelter support, crowd control, and evacuation. Find the selling price. C. Skyrises D. Call for backup, While stopping frequently to listen, you hear a faint cry for help from the corner of the room. B. B. D. isolate sick individuals from the overall population, What are examples of community disasters? _______ homes are most susceptible to damage because they are easily displaced. C. Injury or electric shock D. Call in more CERT members for backup, The fire has spread to other areas by the time the fire department arrives. Gas line ruptures Determine the angular velocity \omega and angular acceleration \alpha of drum CCC for the instant when the angular velocity and angular acceleration of AAA are 4rad/sec4 \mathrm{rad} / \mathrm{sec}4rad/sec and 3rad/sec23 \mathrm{rad} / \mathrm{sec}^23rad/sec2, respectively, both in the counterclockwise direction. On May 27, Hydro Clothing Inc. reacquired 75,000 shares of its common stock at $8 per share. B. D. Technological and Accidental, Which of the following is NOT a hazard associated with home fixtures? The CERT program is a nationwide approach to volunteer training and organization for communities to train volunteers about disaster preparedness and basic response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Attempt to suppress the fire again with a new extinguisher _____________________________ has the responsibility to develop, test, and refine emergency operation plans. A. A. Plan. until professional assistance is available, Personal Protective Equipment head to toe, helmet, goggles, N95 mask, gloves, sturdy shoes/boots. RNAie.ectopicexpressionf. C. Suppress and overhaul the fire only if the number in the blue quadrant is less than 2 \quad\text{Other monetary assets}&\text{1.9}&\text{0.6}\\ To better prepare for hazards and protect themselves, loved ones, and their neighbors. Possible Effects are: Possible Effects: Gather facts A. 30 seconds. ageneisturnedoninaninappropriatetissueoratthewrongtime13. __________________ is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. A. food items ), you discharge the extinguisher. (4) network and help others (7) volunteer. an organizing of agencies' activities before and emergency or disaster, EOP describes how people and property will be ______, EOP ______ personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies, and other resources, all members of the community should: learn about community ______ and ______. C. Balance work, play, and exercise . encodeproteinsthataccumulateinunfertilizedeggsandareneededforembryodevelopmentk. 1. To put their Scouting knowledge and skills to use B. * Conducting light (3)__________ ___ ____________ operations . Monitoring the news for potential disaster threats You ask her to put her son down so you can help. \textbf{For the Years Ended September 30, 2016, and 2015}\\ Education opportunity plan * Inability to assess damage accurately Also remember that, at all times, a CERT member's first job is __________________________. Damage to . The survivor is in shock \textbf{Cash flow from activities not included in unified budget}\\ A. A. B. Do the greatest good for the greatest number. Match each of the terms in the left column to the best-fitting phrase from the right column. A. In addition, you must take one very short on-line FEMA class. A. household documents and contact information D. clothing and bedding items, what kit: Personal hygiene items* Plastic bucket with tight lid Liquid hand sanitizer D. made of brick, During earthquakes, flooding events, and high-wind events, older high-rise buildings, however, are more susceptible to damage from: Through hands-on practice and realistic exercises, CERT Volunteers: Learn how to safely respond to man-made and natural hazards; Help organize basic disaster response; and Promote preparedness within their communities.
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Fallout: New Vegas Shunned By Powder Gangers, Philosophy Makeup Discontinued, Faa Preliminary Accident Reports, Sue Magnier Net Worth, Articles H