Your information has been successfully processed! SNOWBOARDER has affiliate partnerships so we may receive compensation for some links to products and services. Jamie Lynn is a cat; he comes and goes as he . JL: I have my beginnings riding bikes and I raced for a little bit before I started skateboarding. And Justin Hoestynek always puts together good films. Jamie Lynn. For those who have been riding since snowboardings explosion in the 90s, the name brings to mind a method arguably the greatest method of all time. He began filming less and riding more for himself. Yet younger kids see nothing wrong with that. A good twenty or so bodies bob up and down on surfboards as five to six foot waves roll . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. I love them both equally and I split my time for them equally as well. The inspiration we gave to him when we were his age, he has the opportunity to give back to us by getting us involved with things like the Escramble project. Hell, even Terje doesn't have a pro-model anymore. It provides the flotation and buoyancy of a . Photo: Trevor Graves, The name Jamie Lynn brings to mind a method arguably the greatest method of all time, Back in the day, a lot of times it was just me, a board bag and a passport. LIB TECH JAMIE LYNN COLLECTION. Your name often comes up when other riders list their influences, which I guess comes down to that amazing style youve always had. Press play for a hell ride through Helsinki. A good twenty or so bodies bob up and down on surfboards as five to six foot waves roll through in sporadic bursts. Its not that his painting is particularly groundbreaking its more decorative than shark-pickling but the fact he was the first snowboarder to follow in the footsteps of skaters like Mark Gonzales and combine athletic ability with a sense of the aesthetic. Weve even got the secret for methods bonus! You get that many people jumping up and down in the back of a U-Haul it makes it pretty interesting to play music. It seems that Jamie has finally found a way to blend his two passions, though he points out that Snowboarding and music are different. Jamie Lynn / Microdose / Part 1. Jamie Lynn. So thatll be gas guzzler and proud of it! 6 watchers. As of 2013, Mervin was purchased by Altamont Capital Partners. Erm I got a shit load of cars! By refusing to hog the limelight and giving out just enough evidence of his riding ability and counter-cultural ideals, the snowboard scene first fell in love with Jamie Lynn; now, as the years roll by, he is still a magnet for our ideas of what style and soul are all about. I know this is a weird question to answer cause you dont want to bum any of your sponsors out. Date of Birth: 26/9/73 With a style-driven approach to technical freestyle, his early film parts at Mount Baker and gloveless exploits at summer camps in the '90s set him apart as an innovator. The story goes that on a trip to Japan, girls were literally trying to climb in through his hotel window it was Beatlemania on snow. Even at the height of his riding career, interviews and video parts were a rarity. Thanks Jamie. Is there anything that youve tried that youve never been able to get or do you just pursue every activity until you get good at it? The Olympic gold medalist, 32, exclusively shares with PEOPLE that she and her fianc Tyler Nicholson, 27, are expecting. Snowboarding Legend Jamie Lynn Talks About The Method. He really was able to show a person how to draw a line down a mountain; he used natural fall-line in terrain to be able to produce as much speed as possible, and to make it look so easy. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. With Terje breaking the world quarterpipe record recently, is it good to see the old dogs pushing the young guns? Shop all Lib Tech. As long as theyre having a good time doing it I dont really care what they look like. Jamie Anderson. And Kevin Pierce is another kid whos just a phenomenal rider. To have such a diverse crew from every discipline and such a calibre of talent is just an incredible experience, and without those guys and their energy I wouldnt have the opportunity to do that. SOL: Whats the best thing or most important thing that snowboarding has taught you about yourself and about life? The Jamie Lynn is Jamies dream power freestyle stick built for aggressive, no limits, straight to the point snowboarding. Subscribe to From the camp he provides Snowboarding Online with interview number 6,364. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. SOL: What do you think of training and the whole attitude people have about it these days? But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Wear it proudly. SNOWBOARDER has affiliate partnerships so we may receive compensation for some links to products and services. Often referred to as Lib Tech, the company falls under the umbrella of parent company Mervin Manufacturing.Surf company Quiksilver bought Mervin in 1997. Its accepted now. What do you think of the current scene? 1 - 72 of 377 jamie lynn art prints for sale. If someone says snowboarding is rock nroll, I say its more on the disco side of town. SOL: Were you at one mountain more than the rest? JL: A positive for me is just being able to travel and snowboard in places I never would have if I didnt have the chance to do it through snowboarding. Size: 147. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. JL: Its not so much sarcastic as much as it is a realization. Lib Tech produces snowboards, skateboards and now surf . The Jamie Lynn is Jamies dream power freestyle stick built for aggressive, no limits, straight to the point snowboarding. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". It was definitely limiting to what kind of dazzling display of talent the riders could put together for the crowd. . I tried not to get forced into doing anything that I didnt want to do. Hmm, that stuffs easy. Youve gotta learn to flow naturally. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. That is what stays. He practiced guitar, painted His amazing artwork, however, continued to adorn his pro model and give direction to the whole Lib Tech range. In that space I felt free of . Danny Kass for his smoothness and his relaxed attitude; Shaun White for his professionalism and his professional drive, and just knowing the kid when he was 15 up at Mammoth; Kevin Pierce, Mark Landvik, Travis Rice. Ad Libs. [Or] the kids that I met and rode with in the early 90s before meeting their own six-year-old kid in 2014. I like sports that youre decision making is critical with your reflexes and your physical being, and riding a motorcycle poses those challenges. Liberated from heavy jackets, goggles and beanies, he just looked rad. Are you still learning new tricks? It's a typically stormy fall afternoon on the Washington coast. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. None of that detracts from the fact that its so easy to put a board on your feet and have a good time. JL: There are two things that drive me to pick something up and to excel at it. JL: Fortunately enough through my endeavors in snowboarding it has made it financially possible for me to facilitate a place for me and my friends to have fun without the worry of the neighbors calling the cops or other things that have hindered the ability to have a good time while your young and still physically be able to have fun. One we have all been waiting for! Madison Blackley, Ozzy Henning, Aspen Weaver, Nate Haust, Joey Leon and more! When you can actually get out into some surf and feel how your boards working, feel how fast the waves pushing you A lot of times though you go out and its so quick; its a shitty beach break and youre up, you get two turns and its done. JL: I just think my lifestyle is fortunate enough that I love to ride bikes, skate, surf, and it just happens to be that those are sports that are physically demanding. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I got on-the-job training credit for going up and doing top sheet graphics at Lib when I was in high school. How is he still revered while other great riders are forgotten? Socially Awkward: Terje Haakonsen addresses the tweet heard round the action sports w Gretchen Bleiler with Conan O'Brian Tonight Show, Socially Awkward: Terje Haakonsen addresses the tweet heard round the action sports world, R.I.P. Speaking of bikes, whats up with the GT ad? JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. To see him considered on the same level as all these other athletes like Andre Agassi or whoever is the biggest change. Its the easiest trick, but its the hardest to do right. Lib Tech Travis Rice T. Rice T.Rice Speedodeeps snowboard 162 2015. I remember there being a lot of kids and it being an incredible forum for a contest, but just the jump being really small. Even during the mid 90s you seemed to be really influential without necessarily getting huge parts in every movie or wall-to-wall coverage in the magazines. When I got the chance to go up the mountain and ride, it was always a good time, so I really didnt let what the kids were doing affect my ability to have fun doing what I loved to do. And to use your pro model as a vehicle for self expression, not only in your artwork but in the way you rode it. In my mind I try to keep it the farthest I can away from that notion. Jamies stick is one of those cult following types as our article on board collectors in WL114 revealed. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Reappearing alongside Terje and Bryan Iguchi in Volcom videos like this years Mr Plant, he is now firmly established as a legend an impressive feat in an industry that still tends to fetishize youth. A live show could be the death of you or it could be the most uplifting positive experience youve ever had. Kandi Koded was a band of solid musicians with serious ambitions in the music world, and Jamies face on stage was a picture of concentration. Thats a place that I never thought I would get a chance to travel to let alone snowboard in the mountains. The Jamie Lynn is Jamie's dream power freestyle stick built for aggressive, no limits, straight to the point snowboarding. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Injuries were there, but it wasnt something that was instrumental for me to step back. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Playing with Wes just two guitars, no drummer has been a more rewarding musical experience. Wes and Jamies shows are a down-to-earth and frequently impromptu occasion. And it is the art seen also in ad campaigns for his other long-term sponsors Volcom and Vans that goes some way to explaining how this humble 40-something has acquired a legendary status within snowboarding that borders on the mythic. Britney Spears appears to have a strained relationship with her younger sister, Jamie Lynn Spears. SOL: Thats the negative, what about the positive? SOL: If you could never travel outside of the United States again beginning today, what would you miss most about jet setting around the world? I just figure that if I can ride the way I have done the past 15, 20 years, then Ill be happy. Is painting or music your primary passion? Youve got one trick left before you hang up your boots for good what do you pull? To say that I wouldnt want that anymore would be to cut myself off from a lot of knowledge. And someone was just in the corner off in the woods filming us, yknow. It was a lot tighter and a lot smaller back then, so wherever you went you saw a lot of the same people doing the same things. In the early 90s, your average freestyle snowboarder had a narrow stance, a small bag of tricks and (lets be honest about this) a bit of a sketchy style. Wow. So wed go up after school and ride until 10.30 at night, and wed see him up there just at this local, shitty mountain posting his own gates and just hiking and bashing gates, run after run. SOL: Yeah, right. Olson figured out how to bond them together. What Ive taken from [snowboarding] is to respect the opportunity everything that Ive been gifted with and not take it for granted., Chief amongst the friends that Jamie holds dear are the guys at Mervin. If you were too young to see Jamie make a mark in those golden days of freestyle snowboarding, this stick is right on point for everything going on right now in modern . There was never a time when they outlawed it, so that allowed us to go there and have freedom on all the terrain. Free shipping. I know this is a weird question to answer cause you dont want to bum any of your sponsors out. And theres something about a really drawn out big front three that makes me giddy. Board Length: 157 Phoenix full camber, no magne-traction But then thats probably because the day has a purpose beyond surfing, its also a day of celebration for a mish- mash group of friends whove been coming to this spot for years. So come on whats the secret to the perfect backside air?! Receive product news and updates in your inbox. Now there are so many talented riders coming from all over, youre meeting new people every time you hit the road. Yet for all that the scene has grown, Jamie sees no essential difference in the 2014 world of snowboarding. Yknow, if I could do a lien method 360 from the days of old, that would make me a happy man. Jason J2 Rasmus, 1972-2019Gone Tooz Soon. This board is built for maximum float! In TB3 he pulled a pioneering cab 5 off a cliff, and his star was at its height. I drive anything from a 1930 Model A pick-up, 1950 Chevy two-door Sedan, 1969 Camaro, 1970 Plymouth roadrunner, with the 440 six pack thats probably my favourite car. Copyright a360media 2023. Which of the current crop of pros do you most admire? However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I know its almost at the point where its so played that its silly, but I love it. Its available on the iTunes website so kids can download it now. $33. Its the right jump, and its the way that you grab your board as you come off the lip; the way you push down on your nose with your front hand and kick up your back leg. The Jamie Lynn is Jamie's dream power f. It was born out of the desire to print what I was painting onto the boards as graphics. Usually that was when I got hurt or something bad would happen. Gas guzzler or eco car? I could stop at the level I was and still totally enjoy the act of riding a snowboard. With a style-driven approach to technical freestyle, his early film parts at Mount Baker and gloveless exploits at summer camps in the 90s set him apart as an innovator. Once I stopped worrying about it things got a lot easier! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Woodward PC, Big Bear, and Woodward Copper with The Dust Box! Just jumping into bed with them is something I never saw eye to eye with. Jamie Lynn Spears Instagram. MILD HIGH | ROME SNOWBOARDS @ Woodward Copper! Beginning his pro career some 23 years back, he has had a front row seat for the evolution of snowboarding, from the grungy plaid-shirted 90s to the Monster logod helmets of today. That knows no date, time or generation, Not that Jamie appears jaded by the path professional snowboarding has taken. But throughout the years ,getting the chance to go to places like Fiji, Tavarua and Hawaii where you can lock into some waves that have some power and some length to them it really makes a difference. That kinda cut my teeth on travelling [and] I still approach it the same., Its a template many snowboarders will be familiar with the career couch surfer. You could still school them in the powder though eh? JL: No, just mostly as a discouragement that its not California dreaming. JL: Not really at any one in particular, but there was a week when I went to all of the opening days starting with Mount Baker and then I went to Stevens Pass and then opening day at Crystal. It was interesting to see just how committed he was, how much time he put into it. Is it something you worked on consciously or did it come naturally? When I was 8 my parent started growing alfafel sprouts, so we kind of landed on this island called Vashon Island off Seattle, and thats where I got a taste of what its like to be a hippy. When going big in the streets on a snowboard is dubbed a "Brisse Spot", We've compiled a list of helpful travel tips with the goal helping you make TransWorld SNOWboarding's managing editor provides an in-depth, honest, and Terje speaks further on his controversial tweet. Yknow, there was a point in time where I stopped looking at the scenes, and I focused on how it made me feel when I was doing it. He was the ultimate soul rider, with the freestyle skills to back it up. 1:09. Nineteen years old, not having much travel experience and being thrust out into the world, you know, sink or swim. JamieLynn Warber. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If you are not interested you can unsubscribe at any time. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Seeing that now and where its taken the sport, whether positive or negative, when it comes to the soul its given nothing much back at all., We are just kids trying to maximize as much fun out of life as possible. JL: It was probably the first time I came to Japan about six years ago. Woodward PC, Big Bear, and Woodward Copper with The Dust Box! Spray . After four years of marriage, Spears and Watson welcomed their first child together, daughter Ivey Joan, on April 11, 2018. Jamie was not the first to adopt it by any means, but he still lives it authentically: Meet some random, stay at some crazy loft, sleep on some dog mat in the corner of their house, play music and paint on their walls or something like that. SOL: Youve never had a job, no paper routes or something? And whereas we were fighting for ground on these other mountains in the area, which made it tough to go out and enjoy snowboarding, Mt Baker made it really easy. SOL: Do you have a mountain that you call home? The infamous Road Gap is a right of passage for Baker locals - Jamie stomps it in style. What do you think of the way snowboarding movies have progressed? There were definitely other areas just an hour away where youd get heckled from the chairlift skiers would give you shit and youd have to fight for every inch of real estate. Like we put on a trip with all the Lib Tech crew and the Quiksilver crew and I got to ride with Todd Richards, Travis Rice and Danny Kass. And another one would be getting a chance to snowboard in Greece. This is one of the places where he appears to feel at home. To be honest I really havent seen a lot out there thats above and beyond the level that I let go of. C $529.72. A powerful flex, aggressive camber and a stable open speed friendly radial sidecut. But hey, the future is wide open. Over the last 10 to 15 years of painting Ive tried to capture something with the least amount of brush strokes, or the least amount of colours, but still be a strong piece. On August 15, 2019. I think natural and style go hand in hand. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Subscribe to SNOWBOARDERs Newsletter to receive stories like this straight to your inbox. Jackets Pants . I maybe had a phone number that Id call before cell phones for whoever the contact was when I got to some far off land. Read our full Privacy Policy as well as Terms & Conditions. The term "G.O.A.T." gets thrown around a lot these days, but it wouldn't be an overstatement to declare Jamie Lynn one of snowboarding's Greatest of All Time. And his board sold as well as ever, better even. SNOWBOARDERs Newsletter to receive stories like this straight to your inbox. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. It was a trade off, I did an ad and got some bikes. Unwittingly, Jamie had now become a kind of enigmatic legend, a professional snowboarder whose reputation and artistic influence alone transcended the need to compete in events or film a whole section each year. To me the worlds like a class room. Jamie Lynn said she was "proud" of Britney after the singer's explosive June court testimony. This keeps you in good physical condition so its kind of an unconscious training for snowboarding. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. In doing so, Jamie Lynn helped take snowboarding away from skiing and closer to skateboarding during those crucial 90s years, and ensure its current position in the cannon of 'cool' action sports. Shunning all the corporate shit that held us down. Baldface dreaming, resort ripper Jamie went a little longer and a little narrower on his favorite pow blaster this year and now it rips the hardpack as well as the pow. The Dagmar profile is Lib's C2 Technology, offering up mild rocker between the feet and camber to the nose and tail. How often do you get out in the Plymouth? All rights reserved. Erm I couldnt pull one out of a hat. The Lib Tech Jamie Lynn Short Wide C3 Snowboard is Jamie's volume shift powder crusher. Lib Tech Women's Cortado C2 Snowboard 2023 $529.99 Compare. I have a lot of respect for Danny Kass. To be able to grow up with [sponsors] that supported me as a family, rather than a work relationship. Jamie has been quietly influencing the entire look and feel of snowboarding for more than 20 years. Copyright a360media 2023. When did you first get interested in that? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. When you close your eyes you can still see, sometimes deeper inward. - Jamie Lynn So yeah, that was probably the most interesting trip! when does santa clara university send acceptance letters; atmakaraka conjunct rahu; brookport'' bridge closed; shooting in tuscaloosa today; paula benson stephen conroy Put simply, the guy has cult status. Where are you living now? Gnu Max Warbington Finest Asym C2X Snowboard 2023 $529.99 Compare. I remember seeing you in Stomping Grounds a while back. The couple married on March 14, 2014, in New Orleans, Louisiana. Putting me and Terje and Bjorn [Leines] in a helicopter down in New Zealand and letting us just run wild and go wherever we wanted was a brilliant, brilliant opportunity, and Im very thankful to him for that. Brian Gas and Todd Corbitt are two of the guys that were instrumental in working that out. Just growing up in Seattle he was always on the top level of his game; he was such a laid back individual who was into the mountains, into being strong and healthy and positive. Are they really cut from the same cloth as those free spirits who defined the sport guys like Mike Ranquet or Shaun Palmer? And another one was getting early up privileges with Mike Hatchett and Standard Films at Squaw Valley on a blue sky two foot powder day. After all, saluting the legends is what this section of the mag is all about. Hell, even Terje doesnt have a pro-model anymore. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Anderson is the first female athlete to achieve such feat twice. One of the foremost lamas and teachers in Bhuddism. JL: Theres no place like home. Who have you been riding with? Her family also includes her older brother, Bryan Spears, and her older sister, Britney Spears. We catch up with him at his Seattle home that he currently shares with his overweight cat. That was a first of its kind in the UK back then so it was a pretty big deal for us though the kicker was pretty small! Basically, he combined burliness, technique and style. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Knowing theyre still doing it, still into riding Its been special to retain those relationships. And hes equally quick to count his blessings. Its a universal search for stoke that you can share whether youre 20 or 40. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Stance: 21.5 Wide 15 Negative 12 Goofy. A powerful ex, aggressive camber and a stable open speed friendly radial sidecut. The Lib Tech Dagmar puts all of Jaime into a snowboard, incorporating beautiful artwork and a board that crushes everything in its path.. We had a chance to go out and do some really fun trips; we had a chance to go to Japan with Brian Iguchi which was really cool. 0:00. Yeah! We went to Japan with two groms, Tyler Flannigan and Zack Stone, and they took us through the park. Where did you grow up? Hood with Mark McMorris and The Burton Crew, Nitro Hard Drive | Dominik Wagner - The Bad Seeds, Phenoms in Finland: Jesse Augustinus & Max de Vries, R.I.P. Anything from t-shirt art, to help with outerwear design. I dont really trip out on it. SOL: When you are in the snowboarding world youre constantly being watched, do you ever get self-conscious about all of the attention? But also I did it with the understanding that its beneficial to use mountain biking as a conditioning tool for snowboarding. Who has been your biggest influence both in your riding and in life? JL: Probably working a day job. Jamie Anderson is one of the most accomplished female snowboarders. Thats the negative, what about the positive? Please enter your email so we can keep you updated with news, features and the latest offers. It's a short, wide, setback ripper that thrives on deep days. Obviously Shaun wont pull something like Craig Kelly drop everything and hit the backcountry to actually love snowboarding and go ride powder so, what next? What do you think when you see snowboarding on TV?
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