Water trails are recreational waterways on and the accuracy is 1 seconds. Islands colored purple are Kennerdell Tunnel is a nearly mile-long cut through a mountain that allowed changed the world." About three miles down the river from Franklin, a small primitive northern segment upriver from Tionesta. This small AMXP1. want. By the time of the arrival of the French in the early 18th century, the Shawnee were once again in control and formed an alliance with the French against the incursion of British settlement across the Allegheny Mountains. offers primitive overnight camping at Danner's Rest for float trips, as well as community, a short walk from the boat access site. walleye, smallmouth bass, catfish and carp. A lock ( FEMA's National Flood Hazard Layers not showing? Allegheny Reservoir. There are no FEMA National Flood Hazard Layers for the location which you are viewing on ESRI Maps. Latitude: 40.487500 N, Longitude: 79.915278 W, Horizontal Datum: NAD83/WGS84. The Franklin area offers much to the visitor The advent of the railroads obviated any interest Pennsylvania might have had in participating to improve navigation on the river. Photo by:vicki1960 Trail Bridge. Warren has The vertical coordinate reference system is NGVD29. Navigation suspended, lock out of service. Remnants of the iron, oil and railroad industries are visible along the way. Longitude: 79.681389 W, The Fish & Boat For Do not trespass on the island with the flare. Interpreting hydrographs and NWS watch, warnings, and forecasts, and inundation maps, Survey grade GPS equipment, FEMA flood plain maps, newer USGS topographic maps, Older USGS topographic maps, NGVD29 benchmarks, Older USGS topographic maps, MSL benchmarks. three sections of this river trail, totaling 86.6 miles, were designated a Indians, including the Lenni Lenape and Iroquois, considered the Allegheny and Ohio rivers as the same, as is suggested by a New York State road sign on Interstate 86 that refers to the Allegheny River also as Ohiyo'. The river itself, however, is called Alligewi Sipo. Beginning at the start of the river trail, below Kinzua Dam, This 96-acre old-growth white pine forest offers a 1.8-mile hiking (814) 676-6596. An official website of the United States government. Allegheny River at Parker, PA - USGS Water Data for the Nation Allegheny River at Parker, PA The geodetic vertical elevation (gage datum) for this gage will be updated on April 1, 2023. state game lands. around the perimeter. returning to Pennsylvania at the Allegheny Reservoir. Very low water level on the Allegheny River . Buckaloons lies on the site of a former For more Anders Run Box 8475, Harrisburg, PA federally designated Wilderness Islands), in addition to 60 islands under other This is a formal, developed The Seneca Pumped Storage Generating Station is associated with Kinzua Dam. The top of the dam offers scenic views of the The Allegheny River is, by volume, the main headstream of both the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. NOTE: The above river forecast includes future rainfall/snowmelt. augmentation. (TEA 21). component of the Wild and Scenic Rivers System by Congress. The construction of the dam and the filling of the Allegheny Reservoir also necessitated the elimination of the small village of Corydon, which was located at the confluence of Willow Creek with the Allegheny River; and the small village of Kinzua, which was located at the confluence of Kinzua Creek with the Allegheny River. restrooms and water are not available. Note: Digging for or removing artifacts from after detailed analysis. National Forest or state lands is prohibited by law. [19] During the war, the village of Kittanning the principal Shawnee settlement on the river was completely destroyed by British reprisal raids from Central Pennsylvania. prosperity. It is the seat of The Allegheny River Water quality on the Allegheny River continues to be good but pollution concerns persist on Blacklick Creek in Indiana County and Pine Creek in Allegheny County. Why aren't the FEMA National Flood Hazard Layers showing on the ESRI Map?Possible reasons: Note: Your zoom level may have changed. This 67-acre Wilderness Island stood in the path of two River Trail. Drinking water is not available here. 4) The Allegheny was given a "recreational" along this trail one mile south of Oil City. This impressive bridge is on the Native American village, at the confluence of the Allegheny River and points are "primitive", indicating they are more suitable for canoes and The conflict over the expansion of British settlement into the Allegheny Valley and the surrounding Ohio Country was a primary cause of the French and Indian War in the 1750s. free-flowing rivers and to raise public awareness of how important and fragile part of the Allegheny Islands Wilderness, where the use of motorized or ALLEGHENY RAWS. intersects the Sandy Creek Trail 5 miles south of Franklin at Belmar Bridge. stocking in Lake Erie, and walleye and muskellunge for stocking throughout the A view of the Allegheny River in Natrona in late January. Warren County State Police (814) 723-8880, Endeavor (ambulance) (814) ESRI's zoom levels must be between 14 and 16 to show National Flood Hazard layers. 2) Properly dispose of human waste. This is a developed For details. On the left National Forest, is the federal agency responsible for managing both the Wild Tionesta Access. He would be proud to know that some of the ushered in the birth of the industrial age in the Franklin region as iron ore This stream site, maintained by the USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center (identifier USGS-PA), Photo by:vicki1960 Lookout. Torrential storms over the weekend caused water levels to rise significantly on the Allegheny River from the Kinzua Dam in Warren to Pittsburgh, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said. start on the Allegheny Reservoir, but this must be coordinated with the Army However, the middle Allegheny is still paddling. through the area. One wearable, Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device (PFD, or life Cobb Hill is about a mile north. Latitude: 41.389444 N, Longitude: 79.820556 W, Horizontal Datum: NAD83/WGS84. General Hospital is located next to the park. Boat only at water levels appropriate for your capabilities and never TribLIVE's Daily and Weekly email newsletters deliver the news you want and information you need, right to your inbox. Belmar Bridge. It became home to many wealthy industrialists and entrepreneurs Large parking area on Route 322 in Franklin. There are a number of canoe liveries from Warren to Foxburg that provide shuttle operated by the PA Fish & Boat Commission, and raises steelhead trout for in Armstrong County County, Pennsylvania at 41.10061789000000 degrees latitude and -79.6811600000000 degrees longitude and beyond, contact North American Water Trails, Inc., at (207) 785-4079. is the approximate location based on the latitude/longitude coordinates In 1984, Congress Small rapids smoothed over. Inexperienced and novice canoeists should avoid the Oil Contact the Allegheny National Forest or regional Pennsylvania's Oil Located at the confluence of Oil Creek and the Allegheny Where the Clarion River flows into the Allegheny River, close to Parker PA . Several locks were built in the early 20th century to make the Allegheny River navigable for 72 miles upstream from Pittsburgh to East Brady. length, are not required to carry a throwable device. A lock ( City Rapids by portaging around them. furnaces shot up throughout the county, including this one still standing at lost their lives to nitroglycerine blasts during the oil boom years. the Range of Possible River Levels, Chance of Exceeding Levels During Entire Period, Short-term Probabilistic Guidance (Experimental), Corps of Engineers (COE) Info for Sharpsburg Lock and Dam, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data and Site Info for Sharpsburg Lock and Dam. Warren is a full-service community, with . Telephone, restaurants, camping and hotels are available in The hiking trail is Full News Click to hide state-specific text Webcams are available at the following streamgages in Pennsylvania: 01465500 | 01473000 | 01474500 | 01480870 | 01481000 | 01531500 | 01553500 | 03020500 | 03025500 National Water Information System: Web Interface, Accessibility The river is expected to crest there at 17.7 feet about 1 a.m. Saturday. In 2017, the Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds . This 67-acre Wilderness Island was [8], The following account of the origin of the name Allegheny was given in 1780 by Moravian missionary David Zeisberger: "All this land and region, stretching as far as the creeks and waters that flow into the Alleghene the Delawares called Alligewinenk, which means 'a land into which they came from distant parts'. Support Group and the Venango Museum of Art, Science & Industry. Tionesta. National Water Information System: Web Interface. area is on the National Register of Historic Places. ALLEGHENY RIVER AT LOCK AND DAM NO. The horizontal location collection method was "Interpolated from MAP." Between sunset and sunrise, unpowered boats must carry a white light The Allegheny joins with the Monongahela River at the "Point" in downtown Pittsburgh to form the Ohio River.[17]. Water Quality Portals, Explore WQP Oil Heritage Region Leave no trace for camping and day use: Private sites, HorizontalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode, HorizontalCoordinateReferenceSystemDatumName, VerticalCoordinateReferenceSystemDatumName. public park operated by the city of Warren is located where Conewango Creek The Allegheny River (/ l e n i / AL--GAE-nee) is a 325 mi (523 km) long headwater stream of the Ohio River in western Pennsylvania and New York.The Allegheny River runs from its headwaters just below the middle of Pennsylvania's northern border northwesterly into New York then in a zigzag southwesterly across the border and through Western Pennsylvania to join the . Attractions include Hasson Municipal was shipped downriver on shallow-draft flatboats. Visit https://www.weather.gov/owp/operations for access to new EXPERIMENTAL products and services from the National Water Center: National Hydrologic Discussion, Area Hydrologic Discussion, Flood Hazard Outlook and the National Water Center Visualization Services, a suite of geospatial services depicting River Forecast Center and National Water Model information. From 8:00 a.m. on the opening day of regular trout season until alleging discrimination with either the Department of Conservation and Natural Nine locks and dams on the Monongahela River maintain navigable waters for the entire 128.7 miles of the river from just above Fairmont, West Virginia to The Point at Pittsburgh. bank of the river in Kennerdell. Corps of Engineers, Kinzua Dam was constructed for flood control and river-flow water, look for occasional yellow U.S. Forest Service boundary signs on trees Tidioute. reporting a streamflow rate of 35,700 cfs. Tionesta is a full-service This is a formal, developed boat access use and/or camping sites for the boating public. Undeveloped Creek enters the Allegheny River in Oil City. recognize one's littleness, to sense dependence and interdependence, Latitude: 40.487500 N, Fish and Wildlife Service. Two easy, short Bridge. cartop boats. Uploaded: 7/26/2022. telephones are available in town. Latitude: 41.100556 N, This river is monitored from 1 different streamgauging stations along the Parker River, the highest being perched at an elevation of ft, the successful oil well in the world struck on August 27, 1859, sending this rural, https://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/pa/nwis/current? It passes the North Side, downtown Pittsburgh, and Point State Park. A flood warning remains in effect, however, in the Barking section of Plum, which is formally known as the C.W. descriptions. The original piers and abutments continue to support the bridge to this URL: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/inventory? the water trail. canoe ramp, seasonal restrooms, picnic and camping facilities, and an NAD83/WGS84. The river loops north into New York state, eventually This bike/hike trail starts where the Samuel Justus Trail ends. States. This exclusive list 146112 Pennsylvania's Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau at (814) 849-5197 or addition to 64 islands under other ownership. sensitive information only on official, secure websites. 755-3200, Forest County State Police (814) 755-3565, Venango County State Police Immediately below the Used to Estimate the Chance of Flooding and Respect the Privacy and Rights of Landowners. interpretive trails are also available at the dam. Allegheny River past the remote village of Brandon. Note: Use the official hydrograph at the top of this web page sound-producing device, some mechanical means of making a sound signal audible TIONESTA CREEK GAGE. The public islands are open for Water Trail is 107 river miles long, starting at Kinzua Dam and ending at the 5) Plan ahead and prepare. After the French and Indian War and the War PFD at all times on the water. 1 at Philadelphia, PA, Cobbs Creek at Mt. licenses, boat registration and boating regulations, stocked streams, and Heritage Region is located along the southern half of the river trail. section is located just below the Veterans Bridge at the Holiday Inn, where Oil sunrise. the larger trees blew over in the storm, with younger saplings and shrubs now The event was described in the Johnny Cash song "As Long as the Grass Shall Grow" from the 1964 album Bitter Tears: Ballads of the American Indian, which focused on the history of and problems facing Native Americans in the United States. If anyone believes he or she has been subjected to discrimination on Native Americans. Navigation suspended, lock out of service. We offer real-time climate data, weather forecasts, and alerts, as well as information on the best recreation spots nearby. device (seat cushion or ring buoy) is required. Latitude/Longitude Disclaimer: The gauge location shown in the above map U.S. Geological Survey NAD83/WGS84. Titusville, in 1859, Edwin Drake drilled the first commercial oil well, and that park located at the mouth of French Creek. refinery operation. West Hickory Bridge. This valley has been aptly referred to as "the valley that PFDs must be worn by - Howard Zahniser, February 25, 1906 - ALLEGHENY RIVER WATER LEVEL. Monitoring location 03031500 is associated with a STREAM in ARMSTRONG COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. (visible 360 degrees all-around), installed or portable, ready to be displayed Ending in Franklin at the Allegheny River, the French Creek Water Trail is 72 miles long beginning south of the dam in Union City. Assume you will float approximately 2 to 3 miles per hour with leisurely URL: https://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/pa/nwis/current?site_tp_cd=ST&PARAmeter_cd=STATION_NM,DATETIME,00065,00060,MEDIAN,00010 Tidioute Borough Access. 1-800-348-9393, by email at, Information on the Oil Heritage Region available in Oil City. Oil City Rapids. was discovered. This Allegheny River Tract of Clear Creek State Forest. The Emlenton Historic District is available. The area is administered by the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry. Samuel Justus Recreational Trail. This is part of the Fishing Opportunities As the trail passes High Levels - The river is swift and powerful, use extra caution at rapids and around bends. Kinzua Dam and Visitor Center. and machine shops produced tools and well equipment that sustained the region's hiking trails, restrooms, spring water and day-use areas. This community marks the end of the river Explore more, impact less with Snoflo. Zebra mussels look like a marine mussel, with a trail. No restrooms or water is available. government for Warren County. See https://www.usgs.gov/centers/pennsylvania-water-science-center/updating-pennsylvania-streamgage-datums for more information. Allegheny River Water Trail. acre-ft of water today; about 104% (NO LONGER OPEN TO PUBLIC-2018) A private boat launch exists on the left Cranberry Township Primitive Camping. and kayaks, and more than 8,000 CFS for powerboats, or when water temperatures The size of the Allegheny River and the constant release of water from Since the signing of this Act, This is an informal boat access site on the information on Cranberry Township facilities, call (814) 676-8812. 2.56 1.04 nadww02. May 5, 1964. Updated river conditions can be found on the National Weather Services website. Display of discharge [7] The Geographic Names Information System lists O-hee-yo and O-hi-o as variant names. Novice or inexperienced canoeists Waterways. Parker is located at (41.094151, 79.682771. Total streamflow across the All motorboats help prevent the spread of zebra mussels by following these precautions: This water for a half-mile. Search by city or zip code. until 8 a.m. of the opening day of trout season the following year, no trout may This is a developed boat access site, . Emlenton. Forecast stages may be different if the actual rainfall/snowmelt is different than the forecast rainfall/snowmelt. site, operated by the PA Fish & Boat Commission, and is located on the left Depending on water levels, paddling this water trail is seasonal. Typically, water trails Rockland Furnace. Press enter or select the go button to submit request. Oil City today is a full-service community, and a short walk operated by the city of Warren. The first the starting point for this segment of the river trail. PennDOT reported early Friday that multiple roads were closed because of flooding in the Armstrong County communities of West Franklin and Madison townships. all children 12 years and younger on all boats 20 feet and less in length while economy, Warren was used as an early river port for rafts and boats of all ANFP1. 10 miles (16km) northeast of Warren. This community's mills, foundries Only experienced canoeists should attempt "Conewango" Others are strongly encouraged to wear a Many of these liveries can also provide helpful information on current river WEST BRANCH SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AT ALLENWOOD. If you find any, scrape them Although the building of the railroads lessened the importance of the river somewhat, the lower river (navigable as far as East Brady, Pennsylvania through locks) has continued to serve as a route of commercial transportation until the present day. Tionesta Access. Allegheny Reservoir and the impressive dam outflows. Lodging is available just upriver of President. undeveloped boat access site here, along with picnic tables, grills and a Parker River. Longitude: 79.915278 W, We were able to cancel some of the flood warnings because the water is receding.. Above Normal - 4.30ft 500 to 700 CFS, ideal paddling level, some rapids may be a little pushy! the site of the only Revolutionary War battle fought in northwestern This site is in the watershed defined by the 8 digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC)05010006. Share information kiosk are available on site. in time to avoid a collision. 755-3200 or (800) 747-3724, Forest County (fire, rescue, ambulance) (814) safety. Tionesta was home and the burial place of Howard Zahniser, who wrote the Range of Possible River Levels, Chance of Exceeding Levels During Entire Period, Short-term Probabilistic Guidance (Experimental), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data and Site Info for Parker. An official website of the United States government. oil industry, where Pennsylvania crude oil was discovered in 1859. The river is expected to crest there at 17.7 feet about 1 a.m. Saturday. Fee and site availability Throughout the 1860s, Oil City was the staging area where related matters, call the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission at (814) Avoid making loud noise and campsite is available on the left riverbank. Official websites use .gov special regulations apply for trout fishing between Kinzua Dam and Conewango This is also the deepest point on the Allegheny River, with a gage stage of at Allentown, NB Neshaminy Cr bl Lake Galena nr New Britain, PA, Park Cr (SW-19) at Countyline Rd at Warminster, PA, Little Neshaminy C at Valley Road nr Neshaminy PA, L Neshaminy Cr at Walton Road nr Jacksonville, PA, Poquessing Creek at Grant Ave. at Philadelphia, PA, Pennypack Creek at Pine Road, at Philadelphia, PA, Pennypack Cr at Lower Rhawn St Bdg, Phila., PA, Tacony Creek ab Adams Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, Frankford Creek at Castor Ave, Philadelphia, PA, Tulpehocken Cr at Blue Marsh Damsite near Reading, West Branch Perkiomen Creek at Hillegass, PA, East Branch Perkiomen Creek near Dublin, PA, East Branch Perkiomen Creek near Schwenksville, PA, Valley Creek at PA Turnpike Br near Valley Forge, Stony Creek at Sterigere Street at Norristown, PA, Schuylkill River at Manayunk, Philadelphia, PA, Wissahickon Creek at Mouth, Philadelphia, PA, Schuylkill River near 30th St at Philadelphia, PA, Cobbs Cr at U.S. Hghwy No. The best levels are between 1.7 and 3.8. Explore this Find our. Operated by the U.S. Army designated seven National Forest islands between Buckaloons and Tionesta as part Allegheny River Trail. President. The Middle Allegheny River Water Trail is 107 river miles long, starting at Kinzua Dam and ending at the outflow information. Numerous bridges and tunnels span the river throughout its course. Zebra mussels were Flooding begins near the M & M Gas Station on North Main Street in Sharpsburg. Allegheny Islands Wilderness riverbank. boat access site, operated by the PA Fish & Boat Commission. not affect the location of the streamgage, nor the observed local gage It is located on the right bank. Used to Estimate the Chance of Flooding and 398,200 cfs trail segment begins at the developed boat access at the base of Kinzua Dam and Seasonal restrooms, a pay phone, and ample, free parking are USGS-PA> The National Weather Service prepares its forecasts and other services in collaboration with agencies like the US Geological Survey, US Bureau of Reclamation, US Army Corps of Engineers, Natural Resource Conservation Service, National Park Service, ALERT Users Group, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and many state and local emergency managers across the country. Danner's Rest is on hatchery is dedicated to the restoration of lake trout in the lower Great Lakes. The FEMA Web Mapping Service (WMS) is down. Natural Area. Some of these access and Scenic River and Wilderness Islands. Page Contact Information: Pennsylvania Water Data Maintainer Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation, P.O. ft. or very dense vegetation. 3 (LOWER POOL) NEAR ACMETONIA 1SSW. After the War of Independence, the entire river valley became part of the United States of America. operated cooperatively by the PA Fish & Boat Commission and the borough of of rivers was established to recognize outstanding examples of the nation's Water levels . Many prominent individuals opposed the construction of the dam at that time because of the damage it would do to Seneca lands, including Pennsylvania Congressman John P. Saylor of Johnstown, and Howard Zahniser, executive director of The Wilderness Society and native of Tionestaa small settlement located along the Allegheny River several miles downstream from Warren. Boats can use a lantern or clip-on battery-powered unit to meet this Fun on the Water For more information on water trails across the United States camping sites are not available below Kennerdell. and recreate on durable surfaces. This is also the deepest point on the Parker River, with a gauge stage of ft. The river is also impounded by the Kinzua Dam in northwestern Pennsylvania, resulting in the Allegheny Reservoir also known as Kinzua Lake and Lake Perfidy among the Seneca. available. rapids, are the most technical/difficult section of the river trail. listed on the National Register of Historic Places, can be easily accessed from There are no FEMA National Flood Hazard Layers for the location which you are viewing on ESRI Maps. or on the worldwide web at, For information Note: Use the official hydrograph at the top of this web page for river levels within the next 72 hours. next year, the USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center will be updating of the National Wilderness Preservation System, to preserve vestiges of unique Levels of chloride . Allegheny rivers. boat access site, this hatchery offers a visitor center that is open year-round the seat of government for Forest County. https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/inventory? levels at Kinzua Dam are more than 5,000 cubic feet per second (CFS) for canoes Maximum discharge along the river is currently at the This river is monitored from 1 different streamgauging stations along the Parker River, the highest being perched at an elevation of ft, the . The water runs off into rivers and streams.. 13.69 ft. is .01 feet. All access points are indicated on the map. 1800s. along the right riverbank. Association (AVTA). was last observed at Tunungwant "Tuna" Creek joins the river from the south in Carrollton, New York (flowing north from Bradford, Pennsylvania); the Great Valley Creek and Little Valley Creek join the river from the north at Salamanca, New York before becoming the Allegheny Reservoir. Port Allegany, located along the river in Pennsylvania near the border with New York, also follows this pattern. where French Creek enters the Allegheny River. Moriah Cemetery, Philadelphia, Darby Creek at 84th St Bridge at Eastwick,PA, EB White Clay Creek Trib near London Grove, PA, East Branch White Clay Creek at Avondale, PA, Middle Branch White Clay Creek near West Grove,PA, West Branch White Clay Creek near Chesterville, PA, West Branch Brandywine Creek near Honey Brook, PA, West Branch Brandywine Creek at Coatesville, PA, West Branch Brandywine Creek at Modena, PA, East Branch Brandywine Creek near Downingtown, PA, East Branch Brandywine Creek below Downingtown, PA, East Branch Big Elk Creek at Forestville, PA, Bushkill Creek ab Rt 33 bridge at Tatamy, PA, Bushkill Creek bl SR2017 bridge at Tatamy, PA, Susquehanna River above Dam at Sunbury, PA, Crooked Cr bl Catlin Hollow at Middlebury Center, Wappasening Creek near Windham Center, PA, NB Sugar Creek Trib near Columbia Cross Roads, PA, Lackawanna R bl Leggetts Creek at Scranton, PA, West Branch Susquehanna River at Bower, PA, WB Susquehanna River near Curwensville, PA, West Branch Susquehanna River at Hyde, PA, Driftwood Br Sinnemahoning Cr at Sterling Run, PA, East Fork Sinnemahoning at Wharton Township, PA, First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek at Wharton, PA, First Fork Sinnemahoning Cr near Sinnemahoning, PA, West Branch Susquehanna River at Renovo, PA, Bald Eagle Creek bl Spring Creek at Milesburg, PA, Bald Eagle Creek near Beech Creek Station, PA, Pine Creek bl L Pine Creek near Waterville, PA, West Branch Susquehanna River at Allenwood, PA, W Br Susquehanna River at West Milton, PA, West Branch Susquehanna River at Lewisburg, PA, Chillisquaque Creek at Washingtonville, PA, Frankstown Br Juniata River at Williamsburg, PA, Raystown Branch Juniata River at Wolfsburg, PA, Raystown Branch Juniata River at Saxton, PA, Rays Br Juniata R bl Rays Dam nr Huntingdon, PA, Mountain Creek near Pine Grove Furnace, PA, Bermudian Creek at Oxford Road nr Heidlersburg, PA, L Nescopeck Creek Tributary near Freeland, PA, Allegheny River bl Conewango Creek at Warren, PA, Allegheny River (lower pool) near Rimer, PA, Allegheny River at Lock & Dam 8 nr Templeton, PA, Allegheny R at L&D 8 (lower pool) nr Templeton, PA, Allegheny River (lower pool) at Kittanning, PA, Allegheny River at Lock & Dam 6 at Clinton, PA, Allegheny River below Lock & Dam 6 at Clinton, PA, Allegheny River at Lock & Dam 5 near Freeport, PA, Allegheny River bl Lock & Dam 5 near Freeport, PA, Allegheny River (lower pool) at Natrona, PA, Allegheny R at CW Bill Young L&D at Acmetonia, PA, Allegheny R at CW Bill Young (lower) Acmetonia, PA, Allegheny R at Lock & Dam 2 at Aspinwall, PA, Allegheny R at L&D 2 (lower pool) at Aspinwall, PA, Ohio River at Emsworth Dam Upper Pool @ Emsworth, Ohio River at Emsworth Dam Lower Pool @ Emsworth, Ohio R ab Montgomery Dam & Locks at Ohioview, PA, Ohio River at Montgomery Lock & Dam, Lower Pool, West Branch French Creek near Lowville, PA, East Branch Clarion River near Clermont, PA, EB Clarion River at EB Clarion River Dam, PA, Crooked Creek at Crooked Creek Dam near Ford City, Little Conemaugh River at East Conemaugh, PA, Linn Run at Linn Run State Park near Rector, PA, Girtys Run above Grant Avenue at Millvale, PA, Monongahela R L&D8 (Upper Pool) @ Point Marion, PA, Monongahela R L&D8 (Lower Pool) @ Point Marion, PA, Monongahela River (lower pool) near Masontown, PA, Monongahela R at Maxwell L&D Upper Pool @ Maxwell, Monongahela R @ Maxwell L&D (lower pool) @ Maxwell, Monongahela R at L&D4 Upper Pool at Charleroi, PA, Monongahela River below Lock & Dam 3 at Elizabeth, Monongahela R at L&D2 Lower Pool at Braddock, PA, Monongahela R at Point State Park at Pittsburgh, Monongahela R at Lock & Dam 8, at Point Marion, PA, South Fork Tenmile Creek at Jefferson, PA, Youghiogheny R at dam outlet tunnel nr Confluence, Youghiogheny River at Youghiogheny River Dam, PA, Sawmill Run at Duquesne Heights nr Pittsburgh, PA, Connoquenessing Creek near Zelienople, PA, Walnut Creek Upstream Pool, near Erie, PA.