Korath: If the Skrulls have got to her, she's compromised. Walt Disney Studios. Carol: I'll help you find a home. What? Fury then sighs before reaching into his pocket to grab his pager], [Fury stands up, walk across the room and begins typing on his pager]. Fury: Ah. Director: The woman said that there were more? The core that powered it is in a remote location. Nick Fury: They're safe vectors. Correct? Sound familiar? Not unlike the file I started on you. Take it! Fury drops Goose, At Avengers Headquarters, Fury's pager shuts off while Rogers and Romanoff view the increasing casualties of Thanos' Decimation in the war room, Romanoff turns around and suddenly sees Carol, Goose suddenly scratches Fury in his left eye, Vers and Fury enter the fifth floor of the Project Pegasus facility when a cat approaches them, an infant Skrull shows off her high-score on pinball; 968,400, Vers breaks free from the memory reading device and attacks nearby Skrull soldiers before cornering Talos, as Fury goes to take the pager, Carol pulls back her hand, Vers enters a train, looking for the Skrull sniper that attacked her. Natasha Romanoff: Your plan is to leave the atmosphere in a craft not designed for the journey, and you anticipate hostile encounters with a technologically superior foreign enemy. Carol Danvers: You sure that's what Marvel would want? Or will it get the better of you, as always? He killed her. So it's sacred. Yon-Rogg: I'm so proud of you. Space invasion, big car chase truth be told, I was ready to hang it up. Yon-Rogg: I don't want to hurt you. No, of course not. Our subconscious chooses the way they appear to us. Fury: Who's a good kitty huh? She was trying to take the Asis up herself, but you said that Carol Danvers: [revealing Talos' daughter to him] [a serious scratch is shown on his left eye], [Scene changes to Maria's house, where everyone gathered for dinner]. Tied my boss up, stole his identity. I can't leave Monica. Talos: I'm so proud of you. Nick Fury: Because all the shooting kinda gave me the wrong impression! Fury then coughs and gestures towards a cup of tea, which is still steaming], [Talos begins singing loudly. The Skrull fires, but Vers pushes Fury away and fires back at the sniper before running after him. General Talos (voiceover): This can't be right. One of these bullets hits Talos, causing him to fall over in pain. Suddenly, a swarm of scared Skrulls appear from their hiding places. From my home, my family, my friends. Vers. You know, you really shouldn't have that thing on your lap. 'Cause if there were, we would want to keep that to ourselves. Nick Fury: [Vers and Fury walk out of the room. Fury: Well, I'd say fine. [The scene changes to show Vers leaning against her car outside of an airplane hanger, with Goose walking towards her. I have always admired you, Captain. Captain America is not here to lead the country. Monica: Oh wait. Carol Danvers: But now you're saying she's from another planet. Yon-Rogg: That's my blood that's coursing through her veins. "That's my secret, Captain.I'm always angry." Bruce Banner ( Mark Ruffalo) "We have a Hulk." Tony Stark to Loki ( Tom Hiddleston) "There's only one God, ma'am. I'm not doing it now. Carol: You stole me. People call me "The Don". Vers: No wait. [Carol starts the spacepod, but it can't take off beacause of the damage. I can handle the modifications. That's what makes Steve stand out among the rest of the powerful people. Fury: My mom. Back then, we had to get up so early. Yeah, but then I'd be sleeping. We did. She is revealed to be Talos' wife, Soren] Keller: Or so we thought. General Talos (voiceover): Charming memory. This is that moment, Vers! That's what I'm saying. Talos: Proceed with caution. Why would I turn into a filing cabinet? Just, don't kill me. Yon-Rogg: Right. Monica: They can stay here with us, can't they, Mom? Keller: Finish what Mar-Vell started. [Wendy Lawson talks, however her voice is drowned out by General Talos' voiceover], [The camera pans down to the nametag on Wendy Lawson's shirt]. I just think you should consider what kind of example you're setting for your daughter. [gesturing towards the logo]. She's alright. Fury (while eating a sandwich): Mmm. If only you knew the importance of it to me. Lawson's energy surrounds Carol, but Carol manages to walk towards Lawson. No matter whether they are king, Genius Billionaire, or a God, they wait for his orders. But strength is no use against me hex power. Maria Rambeau: A biker comes along and parks next to where Vers is standing], [The biker revs his engine, causing Vers to look towards him before looking back at her map]. Carol Danvers: Bron-Char: It's funny cause objectively speaking, you're quite handsome. It's a really hard thing to do. If you hurt them, I will burn you to the ground. I see flashes. Mmm. General Talos (voiceover): Who is this person? Talos: Physiologically, yeah. We saved you. Young lady I have a special skill that kinda allows me to get into places I'm not supposed to be. Helpless. We're just getting to know each other. I can stay with grandma and pop-pop. Control it. Yon-Rogg [amused]: Tell me about this dream. When they were handing out kids, they gave her the toughest one. Carol Danvers: Vers: You don't know me. [Yon-Rogg lets go of Vers' arm and they continue to spar. Where are you hurt? The Wasp star Evangeline Lilly raved about Renner's progress, telling Access Hollywood: "He's . Nick Fury: Vers: I know Lawson was Kree. [Biker grunts in pain as he hands Vers the keys to his motorcycle], [Biker gives Vers his jacket before running into the store. Joseph Danvers: What the hell are you thinking? Fury: Um, most of this thing's redacted but there is a testimonial here from a Maria Rambeau. Do you know how to fly this thing? Vers: Pararescue's on the way. I saw you crush 20 of my best men with your hands bound. A loading bar appears on the screen, with the bar moving slowly across the screen], [The camera cuts back to the screen, with the tape almost loaded]. Fury sees Vers hanging onto the train and turns the car around to pursue it. This causes all electricity on the ship to malfunction. Maria Rambeau starts the ship and leaves the Laboratory with the Skrulls and Nick Fury.]. Korath: Because I stared into the face of my mortal enemy and the face staring back was my own. It's killer by the way. Carol Danvers: It then follows the car down the driveway and towards the security checkpoint]. Ronan: Return to the jump point. Fury: If toast is cut diagonally, I can't eat it. Once she has defeated the Skrulls, she runs off again before being confronted by General Talos and two others. Agent: All I know is that we take him in too. I will finish what we started. I like the Bs. Fury: Oh my goodness. Congrats to you, Starforce lady. My people lived as refugees on Torfa. Can I ask you something? But you cheated, took a shortcut. Because she found out that she was on the wrong side of an unjust war. Pegasus, Dr. Wendy Lawson. You're not one of them. Hold your position until we get there, keep your comms online so that we can contact you. Fury: She crashed the ASIS aircraft during an unauthorized test flight. Go back. Yon-Rogg: Skrull ambush. You found my family, this is just the beginning. Straight out of high school. Carol Danvers: Once Vers speaks, Monica Rambeau quickly exits the plane she was exploring]. Blue blood running through my veins. Supreme Intelligence: You are just one victim of the Skrull expansion that has threatened our civilisation for centuries. Carol Danvers: You need a ride, darlin'? Soren: Turn off the light show and prove prove to me you can beat me without [she knocks him backwards with a proton blast]. You tell me the second you get a signal. Bruce Banner: General Talos (voiceover): Wait, wait, wait. They really did a number on you. Because I remember. The "Strange New Worlds" in the show's subtitle comes from the original opening monologue of the 60s Star Trek television series. Nick Fury: Fury: It was the Cold War, we were everywhere. Ever been to C-53? You didn't need that, did you? [The Supreme Intelligence stands up and begins dancing to the music]. Cadets: You don't belong out here! However, the plane is hit and the wing bursts into flames. Marvel sounds a lot better. [Wendy and Vers turn to look at the airplanes which are taking off and landing]. Here's a proposition for you: You're gonna give me your jacket, your helmet, and your motorcycle, and in return, I'm gonna let you keep your hand. Auntie Carol is right. And the woman said that there were more? Vers: She's a scientist. I do a mini review of Captain Marvel and explore exactly why your script needs to be torn apart and chewed to pieces in order to be half way good. Come on, Ace. agent? No Kree divulges it, ever. He then opens the lunchbox to find a soup container sitting inside]. Hey. This is a dangerous mission. Fury steps off and walks away while the Director stays in the elevator. It's two words. Now, we know why. Now we're just after a little information. What's given can be taken away. [Yon-Rogg walks up to the still-sparking Vers]. House of M Vol 1 7. Fury's car continues to follow the train track, barely avoiding the carnage being thrown off the roof by Vers and the Skrull]. But I can't tell what's real. Range should be, a couple galaxies, at least. [Vers speeds up but crashes into the hay outlining the track. Going into Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty, Steve was given a chance to reconnect with his roots while Sam Wilson assumed the mantle of Captain America full time. (Vers begins having flashbacks to directly after the explosion) Focus. It's cute how hard you try. Yeah, I think she went that way. Carol Danvers: [The camera spins to change from a scene of Vers flying to a scene of 11-year old Vers driving around a go-kart track at a fair.]. Nick Fury: !Nick Fury:"Ther. Carol Danvers: Carol charges and punches her in the face, but her fist is stuck in her face before she is thrown to an invisible wall, Carol is absorbed through the wall, which projects images of her memories, Carol continues to watches flashbacks of her crashing in races and failing in physical activities, Carol starts remembering every time she got up from a fall, Carol holds a fragment of her dog tag that reads "Vers", Vers enters the Supreme Intelligence's chamber, Vers looks at a hologram of the galaxy on her left, the Skrull soldier fires his arm blaster before disappearing, holding Goose out and watching Talos recoil, Vers looks at the Biker, then back to her map. Never occurred to me that they'd be coming from above. Vers: I'm on planet C-53. Carol Danvers: I'm not what you think I am. Nick Fury: (Vers begins looking at the coordinates, but her vision is fuzzy)You're almost there.You're almost there. Vers wipes dust off of her shoulders before walking towards a car and knocking on its window]. James Rhodes: Talos: Vers, with her gun drawn, slowly walks towards the plane]. Biker: Line up honey, heh? That's why security here is so unfriendly. Maybe give you the 4-1-1 on late night drop-bys. Maria: Mmm, of course you don't. Fury: So the Skrulls are alien races which infiltrate and overtake alien planets. Carol Danvers: It's too dangerous. Vers: I didn't want to steal your thunder. Dr. Wendy Lawson: Nice diversion. [Carol smiles at Fury's question, while Talos just looks towards him and shakes his head. Maybe I could fly up and meet you halfway? For orbital positioning and velocity. [holding her hand out] Steve Rogers: [The scene changes to show Maria and Vers climbing into their cockpits and preparing to fly.]. Yon-Rogg: We're nearing the jump-point. She looks around and sees the Skrull assuming its true form], [The scene changes to the outside of a barn, with Monica sitting outside on the bench and Maria trying to stop her from coming inside], [Monica puts earplugs in her ears and Maria walks inside, revealing a study. Cobbleface 4 yr. ago. Permission to fire? [Carol pulls a face then punches Yon-Rogg in his arm]. Vers: It wasn't Soh-Larr. You hear me? Carol: Hey Guys. Maria: Yup. And so, little Alouette flew up throughout the night. Carol Danvers: Vers is then seen activating her beacon, while Nick Fury walks up behind her and taps on the glass surrounding the phone booth]. Got a smile for me? Minn-Erva! Talos simmed him, even knew his code. [Carol ejects herself from the plane, descends down to Earth, and shuts her eyes]. When Carol meets the Supreme Intelligence, a record is playing beside her and a long table is sitting in front of her, a few meters away with Dr. Lawson sitting at the only seat]. That was before I knew who you were. [Vers begins fighting the Skrulls, with her hands still in the restraints. Supreme Intelligence: Without us you're only human. Fury heads for his car and calls out Coulson, Supreme Intelligence sighs. When she knocks, Yon-Roog answers the door still half-asleep]. [Carol drops the chip before flashing back to her absorbing the energy from the explosion before flashing back to the present day where the chip explodes off herneck like a bullet and she is released from the Supreme Intelligence, glowing and floating in the air. Since it violates the predetermined rules of engagement. [Soren calls a child to come towards her and Talos. We embraced you as our own. You were the woman on that black box risking her life to do the right thing. Each fight only lasts a few seconds, but always results in Carol dominating], [Maria picks up a gun and fires until Goose opens his mouth and the tentacles take the kree soldiers, beat them up and swallowed them]. We'll handle this. The scene changes back to Vers and Yon-Rogg]. I'll be back before you know it. Skrulls! [Fury then tries to leave the room by placing his thumb on a scanner near the door. [snickering] Coulson: Get some rest, sir. She said she had lives to save. Supreme Intelligence: [to Yon-Rogg, refusing to fight him without her full powers] Vers continues starting the pod and flys down to Earth. Seems like your time on C-53 jogged the old memory. That's a Flerken. Nick Fury: It's okay. Lawson is not cuckoo. Nick Fury: The machine that they used, I think it was how they extracted Soh-Larr's code. [Vers smirks at Yon-Rogg causing Yon-Rogg to push her backwards]. My mom. General Talos: How about I tell you my secret? Serve well, and with honor. Security Checkpoint: Place your thumb on the pad. [Yon-Rogg continue to fight. You have no idea who I am. Talos: Hey there. Uh Belfast, Bucharest, Belgrade, Budapest. First impressions are everything in the entertainment industry. She looks at the Earth one last time before flying inside the spaceship. Wonderful view, isn't it? Talos: (referring to a shooting star which just passed by) It's Alouette. Oh. Oh, it's just my leg. Hold on. State-of-the-art two-way pager. Minn-Erva: Commander, she's still moving. Lose control again, you'll have to commune with the Supreme Intelligence. Carol Danvers: [The gate in front of the bar opens and the car drives down the driveway and into a tunnel. In addition to the other photos, there is one of her Air Force graduation, one of her squadron standing in front of a plane, one of her and Monica carving a pumpkin and another of Vers dressed as Janis Joplin]. I want to question her alone. Yon-Rogg (amused): I see what you're trying to do. Carol: Well, since we're on the same team [Carol gestures to Monica's red, yellow and blue shirt. Vers? You've got to save them without me. It's hard for me to say goodbye, too. Monica: You have the chance to fly the coolest mission in the history of missions. Carol Danvers: "Goose." Then master yourself. to Yon-Rogg, refusing to fight him without her full powers, Referring to the front of the baseball cap that Fury has given her, Vers and Fury arrive at the Records room of the Project Pegasus facility, Vers walks out of Maria's office after listening to the Black Box recording and realizing that Yon-Rogg abducted her in 1989, Carol nods and smiles before Monica embraces her, Carol opens the lunch box, revealing the Tesseract while Fury removes Goose's muzzle, Goose suddenly reveals tentacles from his mouth and uses them to grab the Tesseract and swallow it. Yon-Rogg (through Vers' earpiece): Vers? Yon-Rogg: You've got to let go of your past. When she gestures for him to drop it, he raises his hands in surrender and returns the gun to its holster. It just it just stopped. Fury: Yeah. The Kree are still surrounding the Skrulls, and Goose is being scanned with a Kree scanner], [Bron-Char begins putting a muzzle on Goose's head, but is met by protests from Fury]. Fury: And? [The scene suddenly changes back into the present day, outside of the study. But you won't succeed in changing the subject. How'd that get in here? Maria Rambeau: You are just one victim of the Skrull expansion that has threatened our civilization for centuries. Carol has just finished standing up after the pain in her neck]. Carol Danvers: She's got the Darkhold and the Darkhold has her." "Scarlet Witch is a being of unfathomable magic. But I enjoyed it. I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing. That's what keeps us human. Noble warrior heroes. And you were the most powerful person I knew, way before you could shoot fire through your fists. So how do we get to Louisianna? Nick Fury: Vers and himself step out of the car and shut the doors]. [the Skrull soldier fires his arm blaster before disappearing]. [During this monologue, the Director advances towards Fury, who is lying on his back in defeat. Once Maria has closed the door, a voice is heard behind them. Monica: That's what I'm saying. Congratulations to you, Starforce lady. This is my friend, Carol. I saw the ruins on Torfa. Carol Danvers: Talos: Come on. She can do a lot more than just make tea with those hands. You're talking about destroying them because they won't submit to your rule. She replaces the green with bright red and the yellow replacing the grey stripes], [Monica presses the buttons again. [Vers walks out of Maria's office after listening to the Black Box recording and realizing that Yon-Rogg abducted her in 1989]. They look around, trying to find a person to imitate. We need to find more. You don't know. Supreme Intelligence: The music, it's a nice touch. Vers eventually finds the room before turning around and watching Fury with disinterest]. Ronan: The Accusors have completed their operation but the greater mission was a failure thanks to your team. [Vers begins to walk through an aisle, looking at the movies on the shelf], [Vers stops, picks up a movie and reads the summary. Vers walks from behind the counter and sits opposite Maria at the table]. No, I didn't. Is that why we never hung out? alone can't protect us. Yon-Rogg: The Price of Freedom. Talos: Does she not understand? [Vers breaks free from the memory reading device and attacks nearby Skrull soldiers before cornering Talos]. Soh-Larr sent us a warning. Since when is a shortcut cheating? I'm only human. Without deception. When she turns around and sees a life-size poster, she shoots an energy blast towards it, causing the head to fall off and the neck to erupt in flames]. Talos: And believe me, He's winding up ". Is that really who you are now? Never occurred to me that one might come from above. Carol Danvers: For the good of all Kree! [she destroys a jukebox with a photon blast]. Yon-Rogg: And yet, you've never had the strength to control them on your own. We. Once it was deeply disturbing. All life on Earth is carbon-based. Put that on. Fury: And how is that supposed to prove to me that your not a Skrull? ], [Early morning, Vers has woken up from a dream and is now standing outside Yon-Rogg's room. Some bring out their camcorders and starts filming, crowd moves away and gradually disappears, suddenly breaks her act and knocks out Phil while taking his ID. I got you. You don't know. Vers continues looking through the pictures before she comes across her old dog tag, which has been burnt]. We got a really complicated situation. Carol Danvers: Vell. [Carol is bound by Yon-Rogg and mentally summoned to the Supreme Intelligence]. Drill Instructor: They'll never let you fly. Fury then walks through the aisle, before peering his head around. She then proceeds to destroy all the drones and one of the Accusers' spaceships, before flying in front of Ronan, showing her full power.]. through soliloquies and dialogue by everyone from Captain America to Groot ("'Tis I!"). Vers then is forced onto the floor, and her fist begins to glow orange] Yon-Rogg: Control it. Vers: Skrulls can only assume recent memories of their host bodies. Nick Fury: [The scene changes again to the inside of a bar, with Vers sitting at a table with Maria and another pilot standing next to her]. racas 4 yr. ago. Just Fury. Nick Fury: Before I knew what made you different from the others. Carol: In her notes, she called it the Tesseract. [The text on the pager reads "DETAINED WITH TARGET. You have no idea who I am. Carol Danvers : You're right. Fury: She's co-operating with the investigation sir. Carol Danvers: [to Carol during the chase with the Kree during the flashback scene] You and I lost everything at the hands of the Kree. Fury: If I played the same pinball machine for six years I'd have some high scores too. Vers then runs towards the building, and Fury grabs his gun and runs towards the car. In the plane, everybody is pushed back into their seats]. Kree Computer: It was one of the most heartbreaking and bittersweet scenes in the entire universe. Fury: Vers. Well to each his own. On the spaceship, Carol's hands begin to light up and begin burning the machine], [Carol continues to release energy waves from her hands. Here is a list of the great Iron Man quotes: "The truth is. The ship containing Vers, Yon-Rogg and the other Kree follows after the missiles and crash lands in the sea. Supreme Intelligence: You think you can find others like her? Agent Coulson: Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): You've come a long way since I found you that day by the lake. So that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell it was doing. [Carol runs forward and jumps to punch Lawson, however, her hand travels right through Lawson's skull. This is What If Peggy Carter got the super soldier serum instead of Steve Rogers. Stop using this [points to her chest, above her heart] and start using this [gestures towards her head]. Vers: Yes, ma'am. Maria: You didn't find her lab on Earth, because it's not on Earth. [When Versopens her eyes, the scene suddenly changes to Vers with electricity running from a machine to her temples. Carol Danvers: [Vers turns around to see Wendy standing behind her]. Now, you know, I don't really need these to see but they do kinda complete the look. I've been fighting with one arm tied behind my back. At the same time, the Accusers arrive outside Earth's atmosphere. Maria then flicks a switch and gravity suddenly turns on inside the plane, and everything returns to normal], [The view switches to the outside of the ship, showing the ship sitting in empty space with Earth below it]. Samuel L. Jackson, "Pulp Fiction". Fury: You're saying he's not from around here? And neither will I. She then walks towards him, while he tries to crawl back. Nick Fury: You're good to go here until you recover, but you and your family are gonna need a new look. Talos: I'm sorry I simmed your boss. Vers: Well maybe if you were more attractive then it would be less disturbing. Fury: Light speed engine? Kree glyphs? Talos: You can see they're not soldiers, let them go. [after raising Fury's suspicions by calling him "Nicholas"] Or will they get the better of you, as always? We later saw Danvers. You just didn't think it through. Nick Fury: Talos: It's okay, it's okay. [Scene changes to the spaceship piloted by Maria], [Minn-Erva follows the Skrulls down to Earth in a space pod. Carol: Is that mine? Carol Danvers: "WandaVision" star Teyonah Parris will appear as Monica Rambeau in the film. Well, apart from me helping you, at least you can give me a smile. Yon-Rogg: Lost. I love sporting his beautiful blue eyes. The scene then changes back to Vers and Yon-Rogg on the phone]. Korath: That did something. Well, I could use a co-pilot. Yon-Rogg: Humor is a distraction. I'm afraid I'm gonna need proof. Almost immediately, Yon-Rogg steps onto the path and walks down it. You're not strong enough! [Vers puts the cap on, and looks at Fury annoyed], [Vers takes off the flannel shirt hanging around her waist and throws it into the car. You woke me up banging on my door at dawn. Vers: Does announcing your identity on clothing help with the covert part of your job. Come on. Yon-Rogg is seen walking towards the holograph, which is later shown the be Ronan the Accusor]. Talos: You know, you really should be kinder to your neighbors. Supreme Intelligence: We'll know soon enough. [Talos takes a sip of the milkshake he is holding while Carol begins to advance towards him, her hands glowing more now]. Medical Examiner: All life on Earth is carbon-based, not this guy. Lawson always told us that our work at Pegasus wasn't to fight wars, but to end them. A venus fly trap. You're saying he's not from around here? My best friend who supported me as a mother, and a pilot when no one else did. The child comes willingly, and Talos leans down to get a better look at him]. [General Talos tasers Vers before the screen turns black.]. The camera is pointed towards the nose of a plane and the hangar door is opening. Once Vers has aligned the plane parallel to the ground, the plane crashes into a beach), [Vers climbs out of the plane and attends to Lawson, whose head is slumped against her chest.