The lower energy density means that transportation and storage of biofuels could be more challenging and may increase the cost of using biofuels as the main fuel source. Your email address will not be published. Its also worth noting that the cost of fossil fuels fluctuates greatly depending on the market and political situation. Manure and other animal waste can be converted to sustainably meet the energy needs of the farm. In theory, this sounds like a terrific way to keep up with biofuel crop demand. One way to counter this lies in simple diplomacy: The globalization of world commerce means that it's now easier than ever to move food supplies from one part of the world to another in response to increased demand. See also carbon sequestration. University of California, Berkeley. Create your free account or Sign in to continue. Biomass production uses a lot of water 5. Many fertilizers contain nitrogen and phosphorus. Not every country has vast crude oil resources. 2010. When done right and well-regulated, the production of biofuels has potential to actually support local biodiversity by promoting the growth of crops that are providing support to soils and leave soils less prone to erosion. What are the disadvantages of biofuels? Biofuels have some advantages over their counterparts. Biofuel Disadvantage : Environmental Impact. But there are also disadvantages. But in cases that seem as much science fiction as they are scientific fact, genetically modified crops have accidentally developed unintended -- and sometimes dangerous -- traits. Monoculture refers to the production of one concentrated crop rather than the rotating of different crops through a farmers field over time. There is also no need to convert the engine. Fossil fuels are non-renewable and release greenhouse gases during their combustion. When they are used as fuel, they leave gummy residue in the engine. But that price quickly trickles down to consumers. Its worth noting that the negative effects of biofuels can be mitigated by adopting appropriate policies and regulations, such as implementing sustainable land use practices, supporting research and development of advanced biofuels, and promoting the use of biofuels in a way that doesnt compete with food production. Similar to petroleum fuels, biofuels are flammable (especially ethanol) and must be transported carefully. High Cost of Production Though there are many reasons to want to use biofuels, they do have a very high cost of production and are too expensive to produce, especially considering current market conditions. What is biomass? Some long-exploited biofuels, such as wood, can be used directly as a raw material that is burned to produce heat. As an alternative source of energy obtained from renewable and biological material, these fuels can be produced using waste materials. Similarly, nutrients that are returned to the soil through crop rotation and allow fields to lay fallow disappear under extreme monocultural farming. The character of biofuels when they are only produced from certain feedstocks, such as specific crops, like rapeseed, or certain waste materials, means that they may be in limited supply. (Dec. 13, 2010), United States Department of Agriculture. Biofuel crops are no different from petunias or peppers in this regard. Web. All rights reserved. and B.P. In a possible moderate ethanol production scenario that includes trash collection and cellulosic ethanol production, sugarcane has the potential to provide sufficient ethanol to meet 14% of Australia's . However, other biofuel crops, such as switchgrass and miscanthus, are considered to be low-input crops and need less pesticides. Furthermore, the burning of coal and oil raises the temperature and warms the planet. Thanks for reading Scientific American. MIT Technology Review. What is Distributed Generation? A major concern people face is that the growing use of biofuels may also mean a growth in food prices. Biofuels are a more. Because biofuels can be produced from renewable resources, they bring less pollution to the planet. Lets start with one of the main arguments against the use of biofuels. As a result, looking for unsaturated oil as a biofuel source is reasonable. Biofuel production using food crops such as corn, soybeans and sorghum has the potential to alter drastically the world's access to affordable food. For this and other reasons, perennials such as switchgrass and miscanthus have gained in popularity as feedstock for biofuels, as they leave much more ground cover after harvest for the prevention of soil loss. This is due to the fact that biofuels are derived from renewable resources, such as crops and waste materials, which is more expensive to grow and process than fossil fuels. The development of a biofuels industry can have both positive and negative economic impacts, depending on the specific circumstances. It occupies agricultural space from other crops, which can cause many problems. Biogas reduces Soil and water pollution. Many unsaturated oils have undesirable burn characteristics: They'll leave gummy residue in an engine when used as fuel. At the moment, biofuels are not compatible with all types of vehicles and equipment. One alternative involves the use of highly diverse mixtures of species, with the North American tallgrass prairie as a specific example. Relying on produce from halfway around the globe to feed a hungry nation is a risky price to pay for widespread biofuel integration into the world's energy supplies. 2023 Scientific American, a Division of Springer Nature America, Inc. Biofuels are an alternative to fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal). Land use for biofuels may not cause a severe shortage of food; however, it will put pressure on the current increase of crops. Biofuels Disadvantages There are some complicating aspects about disadvantages of biofuels that we should look at. These differences in state at a given temperature come from the oils' molecular makeup. While both of these additives cause rapid and pleasing growth in many crops, they have drawbacks. The oil in their seeds is pressed out, filtered and converted to fuel using a chemical process. It is also important to consider the full life cycle of biofuels, from production to end-use to ensure that they are used in the most sustainable and efficient manner possible. Temperate zone plant biomass per hectare could be as high as 20 t. Switchgrass have reported yields up to 30 t ha 1. Weather issue 11. Biofuels require agricultural land which is already limited. The amount of water used to grow biofuels varies depending on the type of biofuel, the location, and the farming practices used. The development of a biofuels industry has great potential to stimulate economic development in rural areas with less job possibilities by creating new markets for crops and other agricultural products. Follow David Biello on Twitter. The conversion from one fuel to the other, in some cases, requires a range of new injectors, gaskets and fuel lines. It may cause food scarcity because of the lucrative prices of bioethanol some farmers may sacrifice food crops for Biofuel production 3. Phosphorus has been implicated as a trigger of localized algae blooms: The tiny aquatic plants feed off it and rapidly reproduce, often killing other plants and aquatic animals by reducing the amount of oxygen in water or by releasing toxic chemicals. Long-time monoculture farms must use much more fertilizer than sustainable peers, and this increases water pollution. The New York Times. Some biofuel crops, such as corn and sugarcane, are considered to be high-input crops not only when it comes to water demand but even when it comes to the use of pesticides to protect them against insects, weeds, and diseases. Loss of natural habitat can change the hydrology, increase erosion, and generally reduce biodiversity of wildlife areas. Here at Linquip you can send inquiries to all Renewable Energy suppliers and receive quotations for free, Your email address will not be published. There are several different types of biofuels: liquid biofuels such as bioethanol and biodiesel; solid biofuels like wood pellets, fuelwood, or animals waste; and biogas like landfill gas. The crops tend to be lesser varieties of the original, say of corn, for . The process creates a synthetic gas (syngas), which can then be used for a wide variety of applications. (Dec. 11, 2010), Carey, John et al. As of now, the cost of biofuels in the market is the same as gasoline. Brazil and the United States are among the leading producers of ethanol. Though ethanol and other biofuels are often promoted as clean, low-cost alternatives to gasoline, industrial corn and soy farming still have a harmful impact on the environment, just in a. (Dec. 13, 2010), Naylor, Rosamond L. et al. Biofuels are derived from the decomposition of biological or organic waste. Biofuel does produce lower carbon emissions but their production does depend on water and oil. This isn't the selective breeding that farmers have practiced for years; genetically modified crops are altered in the lab to tolerate herbicides better, fight off pests or produce higher yields. For example, bioethanol and biodiesel have a higher tendency to absorb moisture than fossil fuels, which can cause corrosion in fuel systems and engines. (Nov. 16, 2010), Tsuneishi, Scott. Biofuels burn clean, emit significantly fewer greenhouse gases, and are entirely biodegradable. This fuel is made from the decomposition of organic matter. Enerkem takes the "fluff" of municipal solid wastethe plastics, textiles and wood that isn't recycled or the leftovers of agriculture or forestrygasifies it and, using catalysts and water, transforms the gas via multiple chemical steps into ethanol or other products. Hundreds -- even thousands -- of unbroken acres of one crop offer an irresistible target for plant pests; pest populations can explode beyond control in such a tempting environment. In Brazil, ethanol biofuel is made primarily from sugarcane, and it is commonly used as a 100-percent-ethanol fuel or in gasoline blends containing 85 percent ethanol. List of Cons of Biofuels 1. Biogas is used predominantly in the electricity sector. However, fuel ethanol contains denaturants to make fuel ethanol undrinkable. Land use is also a major factor in evaluating the benefits of biofuels. These air pollutants can cause respiratory and cardiovascular problems, as well as damage to crops, forests, and other ecosystems. Its application in transport industry would cut a big part of the air pollution originating from this growing industry [2]. There is a huge potential for bioenergy obtained from waste to decrease the speed of global warming. Anything that is local comes with an extra benefit. Continue reading with a Scientific American subscription. While this is an economically attractive practice, playing off economies of scale to make the crop more profitable for the farmer, it can have severe environmental drawbacks. 2009. Less garbage in landfills. However, most of the time, the word biomass simply signifies the biological raw material from which the fuel is made, or some kind of thermally-chemically changed solid end product, like torrefied pellets or briquettes. "Growing Zone Information." A 2005 study suggested that, using current farming and production technology, it takes anywhere from 27 to 118 percent more energy to produce a gallon of biodiesel than the energy it contains [source: Pimentel]. Let's start with one of the main arguments against the use of biofuels. They are perennial. March 2005. For the billions of people who live on only a few dollars per day, even a small increase in food prices could put their access to proper nutrition at risk. Biofuels are also used with success for heating buildings. Corn-based ethanol, for example, has a higher density than gasoline; fuel injectors have to be larger in an ethanol-only engine to match the fuel flow of a comparable gasoline engine. Biofuels are made from various sources, including manure, crop waste, algae, other byproducts, and plants grown specifically for fuel. The main disadvantage to using corn crops for biofuel production is the effect it would have on food crops and prices around the world. In the end, making a fuel from garbage remains a promising opportunityas long as the waste is already divvied up into its own component parts, as is happening in Edmonton and at the Three Rivers landfill near Pontotoc, Miss. Biofuels are definitely cheaper than fossil fuels. Biomass energy production takes a lot of space, money, and effort 6. This lessens the risk of respiratory illnesses due to reduced air pollution. The liquid biofuel in greatest production is ethanol (ethyl alcohol), which is made by fermenting starch or sugar. Nitrogen in drinking water can lead to a host of health problems, including methemoglobinemia, a condition that prevents infants from utilizing the oxygen in their blood [source: Rosen and Horgan]. Traditional waste tire management strategies Advantages Disadvantages; Recycling and reclamation: Reduces global warming and helps preserve . Disadvantage of Biofuels Energy output Indirect Carbon Emissions Much Higher Initial Cost Food Prices May Strain Water Resources Destruction of Cultivable Land Conclusion on Biofuel Pros and Cons Related Resources Biofuel Pros and Cons Analysis: How Does It Work? In theory, this seems to be a great way to keep up with the demand for biofuel crops. Biofuel typically involves contemporary carbon fixation, such as happens in plants or microalgae during photosynthesis. Read more about us. (Dec. 13, 2010), Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. What are the economic advantages of using biofuels? July 30, 2000. Biofuel Disadvantages: In the creation of first generation biofuels, huge amounts of land are needed. List of Disadvantages of Algae Biofuel. Diverting that waste to anaerobic digestion would turn a cost into an opportunity, generating revenue from energy production and co-products. Coskata, Inc., has had a large demonstration plant that uses microbes to turn gasified waste into ethanol since 2009, and argues that it should remain the "major renewable liquid fuel" due to the ease with which biomass (or waste) can be transformed into italthough subsidies are required to develop the technology. There is a variety of applications, including electricity generation, and heating. Perhaps the most straightforward of biofuel's drawbacks is the most obvious: It isn't petroleum-based fuel, so it will operate differently in engines designed for petroleum-based fuel. "The business of ethanol is a very substantial market opportunity," Chornet says. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this article: Matt Cunningham Also, these crops can be planted again. Although current gas reservoirs will remain available for many years, they will deplete in anot-too-distant future. In the United States the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 mandated the use of 136 billion litres (36 billion gallons) of biofuels annually by 2022, more than a sixfold increase over 2006 production levels. Your IP: Liquid biofuels are of particular interest because of the vast infrastructure already in place to use them, especially for transportation. Uses land that could be used to grow food. These fossil fuel stores are practically finite. Consequently, it makes sense to look for an unsaturated oil as a biofuel source. A pig farmer, for example, may have to pay a few extra dollars per bushel to buy corn to feed his livestock. . But we must realize that nothing in life is straightforward and applicable to all situations. While both of these additives promote rapid and hearty growth in many crops, they have a downside. One of the main advantages of biofuels is their relatively low cost. Restored and gently maintained land will yield enough biomass for biofuel production at lower need for synthetic substances, such as pesticides or fungicides. This means they require more space to store the same amount of energy than fossil fuels. "Bioethanol." : Advantages & Disadvantages of. Overall, the reliability of biofuels as an energy source will depend on the specific circumstances of their production and use. So, it could be a threat to food security or access to adequate nutritious food for the population. The rise in demand for food-biofuel crops can have a positive effect for crop producers, in the form of higher prices for their produce. Corn ethanol, for example, takes a great deal more energy to create than it creates itself when burned. True, a plant-based fuel comes from a renewable source, while fossil fuels will eventually run out. Ethanol also absorbs water easily giving it a high tendency to corrode materials. But it is even more economical solution in terms of paying a cost set by international political agreements. While technology may eventually narrow those ratios, the input-output energy ratio of modern biofuel production is a major drawback to its widespread use. But is this energy source such a positive news as it seems at the first glance? This makes it something close to a self-sustaining system. As an alternative source of energy, they also reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, minimizing or emitting negative effects that come with the use of this polluting and limited source that has been powering our economies since the industrial revolution but has also brought about increased pollution levels and emissions of greenhouse gases. Biomass and biofuels have been used to generate energy since ancient times. The fourth generation of biofuels includes electro fuels and solar fuels. Compared with making ethanol from crops, the environmental benefits of making it from waste are clear: It diminishes the demand for landfills and cuts greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon monoxide emissions are lower than that . Disadvantages of Biofuels. Other companies, such as Wheelabrator, simply fortify the gas and burn it directly to produce electricityalthough that can result in the emissions of toxic chemicals, such as dioxinsor employ additional complex chemical steps. They are found in liquid, solid or gas states. Had it been the season's popular strain of corn, there could have been an ecological disaster as monarchs migrated through the corn-heavy American Midwest [source: Mellon and Rissler]. But the conversions add time and money to the biofuel equation, something that can be off-putting for potential biofuel users. Bioenergy is energy derived from any fuel that is originated from biomass. There will come a time when they will . Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The carbon footprint that the use of biofuels leaves is quite substantial. #1 Land use changes and land grabbing According to some estimates, expansion by Indonesian palm oil plantations caused the vast majority of that nation's deforestation in the late '80s and '90s. One obvious consideration is the gel, or clouding, point: A fuel that turns solid well above water's freezing point would not be very useful in a cold location. Potential drawbacks include changes to land use patterns that may increase GHG emissions, pressure on water resources, air and water pollution, and increased food costs. While the first is a bit beyond the control of biofuel producers, the second is at the core of a potentially serious drawback of plant-based fuels: The water demands of some biofuel-producing crops could put unsustainable pressure on local water resources if not managed wisely. "Waste as a feedstock [for biofuels] has a number of advantages," says Enerkem's co-founder and chief technology officer Esteban Chornet, a former engineer at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Unfortunately, in some cases, it is more advantageous for farmers to decide in favor of biofuel crops over food crops, as they sell at higher prices and some monocrops may be easier to cultivate and harvest than diverse food crops. They emit less carbon dioxide and other emissions when burned than standard diesel. On the other hand, burning garbage produces air pollution and releases the chemicals and substances in the waste into the air. The pure form of ethanol (E100) can be used as a fuel for vehicles, but it is usually applied as an additive to gasoline to increase octane and enhance vehicle emissions. As crude oil prices rise, we need several other alternative energy solutions to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Disadvantages No fuel is perfect, and there are some biofuel disadvantages - especially if plants are grown specifically. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Syngas is a mix of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and other hydrocarbons, which is produced by partial combustion of biomass. "It is logistically available and it is low in value, if not negative in value."