So does the audience. It is nothing more than a title. And there are many Pastors some of the greatest in our time who had Honorary Degrees and had the dignity to carry the title and show it great respect. Dino, (Kent Hovind), spoke in many churches, always calling himself Dr., though his formal education past high school consisted of an undergraduate degree from an unaccredited Bible College, and a doctorate from a diploma mill run out of the modest home of a man named Lonnie Skinner. Keep believin God! If someone is given a key to the city, they are not thereby authorized to enter any building they choose whenever they want. For many years now, he has scolded and intimidated and growled at the Body of Christ with his faith message. I actually do. It is high time that the persons who receive honorary doctorate should avoid Dr as title before their names. Thus, the comparison fails. Even as Christians we are bound to obey civil authorities that God has placed over us as long as they do not interfere with our beliefs or our obedience to God (Romans 13:1, 2 Peter 1:13). Kenneth Copeland, one of the leading preachers of the prosperity gospel, has claimed that God is : very much like you and me having a body, complete with eyes, and eyelids, ears, nostrils, a . . While Mormon teaching is cultic, their theological errors do not affect the reliability of their photographs. . Or maybe he means he bought their brand with his own money.] Accrediting agencies are not part of the secular government. DrT: Thanks for your comment. The result was a divided Lutheran Church within the US with the LCMS taking a more literal approach to Biblical understanding and using Scripture to interpret Scripture. Kenneth Copeland 33rd Degree Freemason Exposed. As Kenneth is a closet, secret Freemason who does not want anyone to know this truth, it will be a involving task that needs to look deeply into any specific clues. As Kenneth is a closet, secret Freemason who does not want anyone to know this truth, it will be a involving task that needs to look deeply into any specific clues. However, the vision . No matter how much you complain about this issue its not going away!.. 2018 - 2020. Instead, they are evidence of a love for God, His truth, His people, and the disobedient people who need to repent before they answer to God for their erroneous teachings and practices. 148 followers 150 connections. If the practice I related facts about were innocuous or innocent, no one would be angered. Was there not a time when the accrediting bodies had no governmental oversight or accountability? Copeland's sermons are broadcast across the US and worldwide on the Victory Channel. Of course, very few people would pay for that material without the phony doctoral degree awarded in exchange. Of course not. He needed to get exams. So that means that in this world no the degrees should not be accredited as academically accredited ones. I'm Ken Coleman, and I'm here to help you use what you do best to do work you love and make the difference you were born to make in this world! 12:7-11 are still operational, as the Spirit distributes them. Dr. It took over four years and the criticisms started rolling in that the plane was actually never bought, and that there was nothing done for the project. Accrediting agencies are private corporations that vouch for the high, academic standards of institutions of higher learning. Madyson Marquette, a woman who says she is a former adult film actor, has stepped forward now to level allegations that turn the tables on the conspiracy theories fiercest supporters. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. (Romans 13:1 ESV). - Televangelists With Fake Educations and Degrees. My grandfather died of a heart attack and Im just gone that same way. His theology, such as it is, has holes in it.] If you are strong in adaptability, leadership and have the right initiative for the . During the event, host Gene Bailey urged the Christian audience and everyone watching the livestream to join together and recite what he called the " Watchman Decree Or something like: If you didnt get healed, you didnt have enough faith! One does not need any doctorate to preach and teach the Bible as the Holy Spirit enables. He received it by natural, monetary means, with his super-prosperity, initially given to him over the years by his donors.]. He'll have a face/body transplant in a couple decades, show up as another shyster, and rinse and repeat his process of using fairy tales to manipulate others. Billye Brim, and Dr. Benny Hinn, Postmodernism and the Emerging Church Movement, Some Red Flags When Evaluating a Ministry, "Name it and Frame it" -- Phony Doctorates in the Church, An Evaluation of Emergent Church Epistemology. It was Gods announcement of what He himself would do. As I point out in the article, many people using honorary degrees do so in order to advance their standing in the ministry. That, of course, is a self-defeating criticism. While most unaccredited Bible Schools are quite honest about the degrees they award (never claiming them to be doctorates, for example), diploma mills that dispense cheap and easy doctorates (which do NOT involve 10 years of higher education often not even one year of education) are not honest, and those who use (call themselves by) such degrees dishonestly conferred upon them are not being forthright with the body of Christ including you. My subject was one Revd Dr Samuel Wainwright, an ultra-Protestant Church of England clergyman (1824-1899), the origin of whose doctorate I could then nowhere trace. The following quote is from his own website in 2002. Honorary doctorates may be a nice gesture toward a respected person (as well as a good way to get donations), but these gestures are abused when recipients subsequently call themselves Dr., implying they have done the necessary academic work to receive such a title and that the quality of such work was verified by authorities in that field. Degree Program. Since awarding Hovinds doctorate, Skinner has named his business Patriot Bible University, and relocated to a small but separate building. :)\u0026list=PLCED9C361662866BD\ Freemasonry for the Satanic Lie it is: I was under his teachings years ago. March 2022 1986-2022 36 Years! It is not wrong to distinguish between right and wrong. First name. I was duped into an unaccredited degree by one od these places. Whether or not you repent is your choice. Good Stewardship. I obtained the eight year average time to obtain a doctorate from a reliable publication. Degree in Computer Science, Management Information Systems, or related IT field, or equivalent work experience. It is better to have the training without a degree than to have a degree without the training. The comments section of this article is now closed. You got your healing already. . Its so easy to assume all of these people are trying to get something for nothing. Background. I will still introduce myself as Tom has helped me remember that I am not working to my own advancement but to the ministry God has called me to. Perhaps no diploma mill has been more successful than "Life Christian University," which consists of a group of people with mostly phony degrees who have awarded "doctorates" to dignitaries such as "Dr." Rodney Howard-Browne, "Dr." Joyce Meyer, "Dr." Kenneth Copeland, "Dr." Norvel Hayes, "Dr." Kevin McNulty, "Dr . There are two sources for these illegitimate titles: honorary doctorates and diploma mills. . The only one who is ever referred to as Dr. consistently is held in such high esteem by all the rest of those men that they say it as a sign of respect. Praise Him. I do have one thing to add to this article. You don't have to wring it out of Him--just open the Book and let the revelations begin. I believe when these phony greed motivated organizations and self-appointed ministers are caught,(and they will be exposed-Matt:10:26, Mark 4:22, Luke 8:17, 12:2) their names should be placed in a fraudulence registry so others can be warned about them!! What does this say regarding degrees which were earned prior to the accreditation of accreditors? I called to ask for prayer. Diploma mills, the other source of phony degrees, usually have small campuses but impressive websites. I am aware that Jerry Falwell founded Liberty University. It is not just those who have earned doctorates that want substance in the sermons they hear and substance can be communicated without the use of theological jargon (which is fine it its place). In the Church, we should seek to avoid participation in such scams and be honest and forthright in all of our dealings. The best way to honor a phony title is not to use it in a misleading way just as the best way to honor a gift of a key to the city is not to try to use it to enter private property uninvited. Please comment, I'm here to help, pray, or just listen. Give by Phone Call us at: +1-817-852-6000. (Jacobus Arminius or James Arminian)s Arminian Theology or Free Will Theology is generally taught at the same seminaries for Pentecostal-Methodist (Charismatics). Invading Babylon - Lance Wallnau 2013 . Do not republish. I also published a few books which are available on Amazon - several of them about social media and one with . Among Life Christian University's list of "distinguished degree holders" are household names such as Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Benny Hinn and Joyce Meyer. Accreditation is simply a means of verifying that the degrees awarded by a school meet with recognized standards of educational excellence. Copeland has also written several books and resources. Born again believer and must adhere to the doctrines of this organization as upheld by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their appointed representatives; Must work well with others, as a team and according to Romans 16:17, must not cause dissension . David Kowalski has worked as an English teacher (Abeka), high school administrator (ACE), in-school-suspension teacher (public school), Associate Pastor (two Assemblies of God churches), Senior Pastor (two Assemblies of God churches), and Bible College Professor (Global University).Currently David Kowalski provides proofreading and editing services.His articles at Apologetics Index include: Apologetics Index curates research resources on religious movements, cults, sects, world religions and related issues. He could not create a new heart with his words. Seriously, how many ministers really preach at a level which engages the minds of their flock ? Im all for praise but not to coerce God.]. I think in your case its better for you to trend lightly. It has been my experience that many ministers have little or nothing significant to say in their sermons. Copeland says the man is "not hurt" but there's obviously no way he could know that. Box 475, Newark, TX 76071; 1- Pastoral recommendation; 2- Personal recommendations; Must be a U.S. citizen; Apply Online Now Email Us Frequently Asked Questions. Whether these doctorates are earned or honorary is not clear though the difference would be little more than a technicality. I think one thing your comment does is highlight once again something we have had to repeatedly address in this comments thread. It never did give me pain, but I could feel this tingling across my chest here. I actually do. International Ministerial Fellowship is somewhat akin to a mini-denomination (though they would probably refer to it as a fellowship or association). He was raised in West Texas, close to a United States Air Force airfield, and aspired to be a pilot. [Sad to hear about his family history. D.Min. Youre a new heart.