The bulge had been decreasing, but since 1998 the bulge has increased, possibly due to redistribution of ocean mass via currents. 6378 X 2 = 12 756 km. Through derivation, we find a logical connection between a natural phenomenon and a mathematical description of that phenomenon. What is the radius of Earth in gravitation? For information on the Earth, see the Earth Fact Sheet. Putting in the numbers, you have Dividing both sides by m1 gives you the acceleration due to gravity: Newton's law of gravitation gives you the acceleration due to gravity near the surface of the Earth: 9.8 meters/second 2. The physical radius, the distance from the center of the earth to the ellipsoid is the least used. [13], Earth's authalic radius (meaning "equal area") is the radius of a hypothetical perfect sphere that has the same surface area as the reference ellipsoid. See answer. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Now that the radius of orbit has been found, the height above the earth can be calculated. The planet's rotation causes it to bulge at the equator. Earth's rocky mantle and metallic core make it the densest planet, at 5.513 grams per cubic centimeter. , For Earth, the volumetric radius equals 6,371.0008km (3,958.7564mi). It is the only planet in our solar system that sustains life and it is the planet that we can call our own. r Her latest book, "A Travel for Taste: Germany," was published in 2015. Created by Sal Khan and Monterey Institute for Technology and Education. [21] The first known scientific measurement and calculation of the circumference of the Earth was performed by Eratosthenes in about 240BC. (The notation is defined such that it can be easily generalized for other planets; e.g., | (b) Repeat part (a) with the sun in place of the earth. Therefore, the Earth radius isn't constant, but it can be calculated for every location. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. What is the scientific name for Earth? The typical Earth radius (RE) can also be comparable to about 6,371 kilometers (km) (an SI unit of length), or 3,440 maritime miles (nmi) (a maritime unit of length), or roughly 3,959 miles (mi) or 20,902,231 ft (foot), that are US customary / Imperial units of length. What is the radius of the earth? The equation for Keplers Third Law is P = a, so the period of a planets orbit (P) squared is equal to the size semi-major axis of the orbit (a) cubed when it is expressed in astronomical units. The model is rotated in a wind tunnel at a rotational speed of 500 rev/minrev/min. Its the only planet with life. The diameter is the distance from side to side, if you. , and because Definition of radius 1 : a line segment extending from the center of a circle or sphere to the circumference or bounding surface. m. Keplers Third law can be used to determine the orbital radius of the planet if the mass of the orbiting star is known (R3=T2Mstar/Msun, the radius is in AU and the period is in earth years). ( Image credit: Ayhan Altun) There are nearly 8 billion people (opens in new tab) living on Earth today, but our planet wasnt always so crowded. The circumference of the world may be the distance measured around it. [ This table summarizes the accepted values of the Earth's radius. cos 191 mi) at the equator. p The mathematical expressions above apply over the top of ellipsoid. Wind farms have different impacts on the environment compared to conventional power plants, but similar concerns exist over both the noise produced by the turbine blades and the . N Here x is the circumference of the earth. Measured around the Equator, it is 40,075.017 km (24,901.461 mi). According to Newtons second law of motion, the acceleration of an object equals the net force acting on it divided by its mass, or a = F m . West can be exchanged for east in this discussion. For this calculation, the longitude isn't needed. Therefore, the distance you use in the equation is the distance between the two orbiting bodies. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. , Around 100BC, Posidonius of Apamea recomputed Earth's radius, and found it to be close to that by Eratosthenes,[23] but later Strabo incorrectly attributed him a value about 3/4 of the actual size. How did early mathematicians determine the radius of the earth? {\displaystyle w^{2}=\lambda ,}. Therefore, if the earth is taken to be a two dimensional object, its perimeter would be equal to the. According to data taken by 183 high-school classes participating in a World Year of Physics project, "Measure the Earth with Shadows", the radius of Earth is 6563 km, compared to the accepted value for the mean radius of 6371 km. state. Video advice: How We Calculated the Radius of Earth. [1]:3 The nominal polar Earth radius is defined as Since the estimate by Eratosthenes, many models have been created. Step 2 of 5. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". 1999. How far (in meter) does it travel in the first 3 seconds? More than 2,000 years ago Eratosthenes compared the position of the Suns rays in two locations to calculate the spherical size of the Earth with reasonable accuracy. Earth's rotation, internal density variations, and external tidal forces cause its shape to deviate systematically from a perfect sphere. Note that the dimensions of h, R and d must be . The WGS84 reference ellipsoid is now just that, a reference ellipsoid (that is, its the ellipsoid used as a reference by GPS and related systems). Its better to have a reference ellipsoid that is constant over time than it is to have an ever improving best fit ellipsoid. The first published reference to the Earths size appeared around 350BC, when Aristotle reported in his book On the Heavens(18) that mathematicians had guessed the circumference of the Earth to be 400,000 stadia. Drive one of the meter sticks into the ground in your location in a sunny spot. 1 Earths equatorial radius637816 m1 Earths equatorial radius6378160 m2 Earths equatorial radius12756320 m3 Earths equatorial radius19134480 m5 Earths equatorial radius31890800 m10 Earths equatorial radius63781600 m20 Earths equatorial radius127563200 m50 Earths equatorial radius318908000 m100 Earths equatorial radius637816000 m1000 Earths equatorial radius6378160000 mHow to Convert Earths Equatorial Radius to Meter1 Earths equatorial radius = 6378160 m1 m = 1. 71% of Earths surface is water. {\displaystyle {\mathcal {R}}_{\mathrm {eE} }^{\mathrm {N} }} 1 This length is also used as a unit of distance, especially in astronomy and geology, where it is usually denoted by R. The value of the radius is completely dependent upon the latitude in the case of an ellipsoid model, and nearly so on the geoid. How do we measure the diameter of the Earth? The radius of the Earth is 6371 km. There are two principal radii of curvature: along the meridional and prime-vertical normal sections. In this state, it would have approximately the same mass as it has now, but its radius would be equal to the radius of the Earth. Derived quantities: diameter, circumference, arc-length, area, volume, There is no single center to the geoid; it varies according to local. r Radius refers to a line that connects to the centre point of a circle to any point on its outside layer. N Earth radius conversions Convert Earth radius to other length and distance measurement units using a free online calculator for length/distance unit conversions. det Now, lets plug in some numbers. For Eratosthenes, at midday on the summer solstice where the suns angle was directly overhead, the angle was zero. r = 39350/ 6.28 = 6267 kilometer. stands for the radius of the Earth. Last edited on 10 February 2023, at 21:43, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, IAU 2006 General Assembly: Result of the IAU Resolution votes, Satellites Reveal A Mystery Of Large Change In Earth's Gravity Field, NASA's Grace Finds Greenland Melting Faster, 'Sees' Sumatra Quake, " Guam POINTS OF INTEREST Don't Miss Mariana Trench", "Mean radius, mass, and inertia for reference Earth models",, WGS-84 ellipsoid, polar radius of curvature (, WGS-84 ellipsoid, Mean radius of semi-axes (, WGS-84 ellipsoid, Radius of Sphere of Equal Area (, WGS-84 ellipsoid, Radius of Sphere of Equal Volume (, meridional radius of curvature at the equator, This page was last edited on 10 February 2023, at 21:43. Answer (1 of 3): First of all let us consider the shape of the earth to be a sphere. A cylinder has a radius of 8 meters. In the modern age, satellites often provide the most accurate and current information through global imaging. R Although the precise strength of Earth's gravity varies depending on location, the nominal "average" value at the Earth's surface, known as standard gravity is, by definition, 9.80665 m/s 2 (32.1737 ft/s 2 ). = 6,356.8km (3,949.9mi). = How did Aristotle know the earth was round? r View a sample solution. The equatorial radius is most commonly used to calculate the volume of Earth, so as not to leave out any territory. A closed-form solution exists for a spheroid:[14]. Around 1690, Isaac Newton and Christiaan Huygens argued that Earth was closer to an oblate spheroid than to a sphere. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Make sure both sticks are perpendicular to the Earth and that the same length of stick protrudes from the ground. The planet bulges at the equator as a result of its rotation. This astronomical observation was confirmed by general observations made at sea. His highly influential work, the Almagest,[26] left no doubt among medieval scholars that Earth is spherical, but they were wrong about its size. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. [6] It is an idealized surface, and the Earth measurements used to calculate it have an uncertainty of 2m in both the equatorial and polar dimensions. In late August of 2003, Mars was at its closest point to Earth in about 60,000 years! This value is between 6,378 km, particularly around the equator and about 6,357 km at the poles. Definition of radius 1 : a line segment extending from the center of a circle or sphere to the circumference or bounding surface. Technology similar to the instruments that are used to survey Earth can also be found all across the solar system. All Right Reserved. The core is found about 2,900 kilometers (1,802 miles) below Earth's surface, and has a radius of about 3,485 kilometers (2,165 miles). = radius of earth in meters scientific notation, Convert Earths Equatorial Radius to Meter, What Is Radius Of Gyration In Civil Engineering, High Definition 3D Printer Prints 5 Meters per Second, Most Precise Measurement Ever from the Radius of the Planet Outdoors Our Solar System, Scientists Uncover How Quickly-Flying Bats Can Achieve Great Heights well over 1,600 Meters, What Is The Ploidy Of This Cell Model Mastering Biology, Do The Laws Of Thermodynamics Apply In Space, How To Change Google Earth Language To English, Worlds greatest-dwelling squid spotted 20,000 ft underneath the ocean, Hatches Open! [4], The variation in density and crustal thickness causes gravity to vary across the surface and in time, so that the mean sea level differs from the ellipsoid. Literature guides . {\displaystyle r} How many miles is a meter in scientific notation? He noticed that the difference in the angle of a shadow in his location at Syene, which is present-day Aswan in Egypt, and that of a shadow in Alexandria was about 7.2 degrees. An Enormous, Unknown Cambrian Bug Fossil Has Been Discovered within the Eerie Burgess Shale, Ancient Tracks May Be The Oldest Hominin Footprints Ever Found, Scientists Say, By 2500, Earth Will Be Alien To Humans If We Dont Act Now, Scientists Warn, Responsibility disclaimer and privacy policy, Topics Related to Circumference of the Earth. 2 degrees. As an example, we will use Eratosthenes measurements. The topographical mean geocentric distance averages elevations everywhere, resulting in a value 230m larger than the IUGG mean radius, the authalic radius, or the volumetric radius. which is different from the precise result by under 1m (4105in) the mean of these two axes. r = m v 2 F c . The geoid height variation is under 110m (360ft) on Earth. Does Bohrs model explain radius of an orbit? | Radius of sun is 695 500 km, so in meters you multiply by 1000. How do you find the radius with mass and gravity? Point B, which appears due east from A, will be closer to the equator than A. It does not store any personal data. Of course, no one is claiming the size of Earth has actually changed. The nominal radius serves as a unit of length for astronomy. Eratosthenes, the ancient Greek scholar is called the father of geography. Also see the Table of Physical Units and Constants. So escape velocity of the planet will be 22.4 km/sec Exponential or Scientific Notation: It is easier to write very large numbers such as 100,000,000 as 10 8 (1 followed by 8 0s). The WGS84 ellipsoid can be used worldwide (such as the ridiculously over-precise flattening value). Historically, these models were based on regional topography, giving the best reference ellipsoid for the area under survey. And we divide that by Pi times 9.00 centimeters written as meters so centi is prefix meaning ten times minus two and we square that diameter. It does not store any personal data. Its nice to determine that measurements taken by a lot of groups, sometimes in under ideal conditions, came so near to the right answer. So if you measure at 11:00am in New York, they should measure at 9:00am in Colorado because of the time difference. r Thus, the surface of the earth at the equator moves at a speed of 460 meters per secondor roughly 1,000 miles per hour. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! N It is 6356. This answer is: The Bohr model of the atom predicted the radius of the lowest-energy electron orbit. ) is the distance from the center of Earth to a point on or near its surface. (clarification needed). {\displaystyle n={\frac {N}{|N|}}} Calculating Earths Volume Averaging these two numbers yields a mean radius of 6,371.0 kilometers (3,958.7 miles), which in turn yields an approximate value for the volume of the Earth of 1.08 quadrillion cubic kilometers (259 trillion cubic miles). At the equator, the radius of Earth is 3963 miles (Diameter = 7926 miles). also corresponds to the radius of (global) mean curvature, obtained by averaging the Gaussian curvature, The circumference of the world measured round the Equatoris approximtely 24,887. Hence the required distance is. Hence, we create models to approximate characteristics of Earths surface, generally relying on the simplest model that suits the need. The structure of the Earths upper mantle can be derived from seismic waves. Derivation means the action of obtaining something from a source or origin. c) Calculate the gravitational potential energy associated with a 4.93-kg object at the He observed lunar eclipses and noticed that only a round sphere could imply a circular shadow. At the equator, = 0 and this arc length = 111.32 km, nearly. where e2 = a2 b2/a2 and A is the surface area of the spheroid. In astronomy, the International Astronomical Union denotes the nominal equatorial Earth radius as The distance between locations are also part of the total circumference of the Earth. .[10]. By knowing the Equatorial diameter or the polar diameter of the Earth, the circumference can be found. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 2 The majority of the data posted was remarkably good, stated Jennifer Fischer, the APS project leader. [ The radius of the sun at 696,000 km is 109 times the Earth's radius. A few definitions yield values outside the range between polar radius and equatorial radius because they include local or geoidal topography or because they depend on abstract geometrical considerations. [e] For the Earth .mw-parser-output .sfrac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .sfrac.tion,.mw-parser-output .sfrac .tion{display:inline-block;vertical-align:-0.5em;font-size:85%;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .sfrac .num,.mw-parser-output .sfrac .den{display:block;line-height:1em;margin:0 0.1em}.mw-parser-output .sfrac .den{border-top:1px solid}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}1/q 289, which is close to the measured inverse flattening 1/f 298.257. For Earth, the arithmetic mean radius is 6,371.0088km (3,958.7613mi). Enchanted Learning. Now we know 1km=1000m 5. Both of these values are very close to the accepted modern values for the Earths circumference and radius, 40,070 km and 6378 km respectively, which have since been measured by orbiting spacecraft. x ), In geophysics, the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) defines the Earth's arithmetic mean radius (denoted R1) to be[2], The factor of two accounts for the biaxial symmetry in Earth's spheroid, a specialization of triaxial ellipsoid. The equatorial radius of Earth is actually 6,378.1 kilometers. A The radius of the earth is the straight distance from the earth's center to a point on its surface. p Note that this arc is along a great circle. . These values correspond to the zero Earth tide convention. The radius of Earth at the equator is 3,963 miles (6,378 kilometers), according to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. [2], For Earth, the volumetric radius equals 6,371.0008km (3,958.7564mi).[13]. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". George Jackson is the founder and lead contributor of Physics Network, a popular blog dedicated to exploring the fascinating world of physics. Mass (10 24 kg) 5.9722 Volume (10 10 km 3) 108.321 Equatorial radius (km) 6378.137 Polar radius (km) 6356.752 Volumetric mean radius (km) 6371.000 Core radius (km) 3485 Ellipticity (Flattening) 0.003353 Mean density (kg/m 3) 5513 Surface gravity (m/s 2) 9.798 Surface acceleration (m/s 2) 9.780 Escape velocity (km/s) 11.186 GM (x 10 6 km 3 /s 2) These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. 2013-09-16 00:47:38. R The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Your email address will not be published. Rather, elevation above or below sea level is useful. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. By knowing the Equatorial diameter or the polar diameter of the Earth, the circumference can be found. According to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth's radius at the equator is 3,963 miles (6,378 kilometers). How do you find the radius of a gravitational field? Earth radius is the distance from Earth's center to its surface, about 6,371 km (3,959 mi). and Testing, Testing: Space-Bound US-European Water Mission Passes Finals. Part 4: Computation . A nominal Earth radius is sometimes used as a unit of measurement in astronomy and geophysics, which is recommended by the International Astronomical Union to be the equatorial value.[1]. which differs from the exact result by less than 1m (4105in); the mean of the two axes. Eratosthenes methods result in a formula that would look like this: 39,350 = 2 x 3.14 x r, or 6,267 kilometers. Because of the Earths rapid rotation, it stretches out the planet; this results in the South pole and North pole actually being slight closer than locations opposite on the equator because the shape of the Earth is not a spheroid (not a perfect sphere). Gravitational attraction from the Moon or Sun can cause the Earth's surface at a given point to vary by tenths of a meter over a nearly 12-hour period (see Earth tide). When it is measured around the equator, it is40,075 km (approximately, 24,901 miles), whereas, if it measured from the north pole to the south pole it is40,008 km (approximately, 24,860 miles). 6,371,000 metersThe value, symbolized rearth, is equal to approximately 6,371,000 meters (6.371 x 106 m). Examples collapse all Earth Radius in Meters View the mean radius of the Earth using the default units, meters. If one point had appeared due east of the other, one finds the approximate curvature in the eastwest direction. The equatorial circumference is simply the circle perimeter: Ce=2a, in terms of the equatorial radius, a. However, for purposes of uniformity and use in geophysics and astronomy, the nominal earth radius is used, which is about 6, 371 km. He also shares personal stories and insights from his own journey as a scientist and researcher. F It is the smallest planet in the Solar System, with an equatorial radius of 2,439.7 km. example R = earthRadius (lengthUnit) returns the mean radius of the Earth using the length unit specified by lengthUnit. Sun: radius = 696,000 kilometers, 100 times larger. {\displaystyle R_{E}} Responsibility disclaimer and privacy policy | About Us | Terms & Conditions | Site Map, Scientific discoveries from around the world. e Copyright 2022 - Earth radius at sea level is 6378.137 km (3963.191 mi) at the equator. [24] Claudius Ptolemy around 150AD gave empirical evidence supporting a spherical Earth,[25] but he accepted the lesser value attributed to Posidonius. This topographical average is 6,371.230km (3,958.899mi) with uncertainty of 10m (33ft).[16]. e Earth, on the other hand, isn't quite a sphere. 7564mi). Earth's polar radius is 3,950 miles (6,356 km) a difference of 13 miles (22 km). ] The orbit is not a perfect circle. Go farther. The red dot at the lower left corner is its center. As the parallels run east and west, places having the same latitude will be due east or due west of each other. The extrema geocentric radii on the ellipsoid coincide with the equatorial and polar radii. Karren Doll Tolliver holds a Bachelor of English from Mississippi University for Women and a CELTA teaching certificate from Akcent Language School in Prague. for an oblate spheroid, the curvatures are. The radius of Earth at the equator is 3,963 miles (6,378 kilometers), according to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. 903 mi) at the poles and 6371. Example 2. The cases below considers Earth's topography, above or below a reference ellipsoid. A globally-average value is usually considered to be 6,371 kilometres (3,959mi) with a 0.3% variability (10 km) for the following reasons. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Physics, 22. N . How do you find the radius of a planet in physics? Regardless of the model, any radius falls between the polar minimum of about 6,357km and the equatorial maximum of about 6,378km (3,950 to 3,963mi). The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Our descriptions of Earths surface must be simpler than reality in order to be tractable. K What is the radius of the parallel of latitude? Because these measurements are not done with more sensitive equipment, the radius calculation will be only approximate. 2 A body on the surface of a planet with the same radius as Earth's weighs 10 times more than it does on Earth. The mathematical expressions above apply over the surface of the ellipsoid. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. r These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. {\displaystyle {\frac {\partial r}{\partial \lambda }}} The Earth is slightly oblate, so its radius in the plane of the equator is a little larger than its radius along the rotational axis. The magnitude of the gravitational force between earth and an object is given by the formula. (a) To what radius (in meters) would the earth have to be compressed in order for it to become a black holethe escape velocity from its surface equal to the velocity c = 3 \times 10 ^ { 8 } \mathrm { m } / \mathrm { s } c = 3108m/s of light? The first person to determine the size of Earth was Eratosthenes of Cyrene, who produced a surprisingly good measurement using a simple scheme that combined geometrical calculations with physical observations. Using the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, this gives, Another spherical model is defined by the Earth's volumetric radius, which is the radius of a sphere of volume equal to the ellipsoid. The radius of earth, is the distance from the centre of the Earth to a point on or near its surface, and it ranges from nearly 6,378 km to nearly 6,357 km, dhanyaranjan Published On January 28th, 2022 Table of Contents Radius of Earth in Physics The symbol R? The IUGG denotes the volumetric radius as R3. Eratosthenes' methods result in a formula that would look like this: 39,350 = 2 x 3.14 x r, or 6,267 kilometers. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Advertisement. He noticed that the difference in the angle of a shadow in his location at Syene, which is present-day Aswan in Egypt, and that of a shadow in Alexandria was about 7. Rotation of a planet causes it to approximate an oblate ellipsoid/spheroid with a bulge at the equator and flattening at the North and South Poles, so that the equatorial radius a is larger than the polar radius b by approximately aq. Lunar night time is also about two weeks long, during which the moon's temperature plummets to -208 degrees F (-130 C, 140 K) according to NASA. K . Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The space station is 356 feet (109 meters) end-to-end, one yard shy of the full length of an American football field including the end . Have your partner do the same in her location. One reason that our program is so strong is that our . \text {Circumference} = 39,350 \text {\ kilometers} Circumference = 39,350 kilometers. Write it in scientific notation. Has got the radius of Earth mysteriously grown by about 3%? At room temperature, it will go from a solid to a gas directly. If we were to plot this it would show (setting, G = M = m = R = 1, and including force direction): A simple spring oscillator To understand what this means we'll look at a simple spring oscillator. Added 2022-02-06 15:04:59 subject Physics by rsa072001. And we end up with 12.6 meters per second , Firearm muzzle velocities range from approximately 120 m/s (390 ft/s) to 370 m/s (1,200 ft/s) in black powder muskets, to more than 1,200 m/s (3,900 ft/s) in modern rifles with high-velocity cartridges such as the , Summary. = The oblateness constant q is given by, where is the angular frequency, G is the gravitational constant, and M is the mass of the planet. Also, explore tools to convert Earths equatorial radius or meter to other length units or learn more about length conversions. [a] Local topography increases the variance, resulting in a surface of profound complexity. 6 m0. Earth Radius by Latitude Calculator Calculates radius and diameter of the Earth for a given latitude. for an oblate spheroid, the curvatures are. However, other factors such as the rotation of the Earth also contribute to the net acceleration. N Escape velocity = = 22.4 km/sec. The earth is made up of three different layers: the crust, the mantle and the core. The following radii are derived from the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84) reference ellipsoid. While carbon dioxide gas is invisible, the very cold gas , Turbines produce noise and alter visual aesthetics. , Earth, the third planet from the sun, is one of the most unique celestial bodies in our solar system.